Chapter Six

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Author’s Note:

Hey guys, I’m gonna try to put a note at the beginning of each chapter. I am so happy for this book. I know it’s only got a few reads, but this story is a very exciting story in my opinion. I came up with it all on my own. I was wanting something new to write on and shortly after I started writing my sequel to Island Rush I decided to also start writing this in order to prevent myself from forgetting this plot line. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE comment and give me feedback. I want to know if anyone is liking this story or not, or if anyone has any improvement suggestions. I’d love to hear from ya. Enjoy the chapter.

Chapter Six


Four months had passed since the slaying of my parents. Four whole months. It is so hard to believe. School started up a month ago. It’s difficult this year. I don’t pay attention to what the teachers are saying, nor do I do well on the tests, but they always seem to come back to me with a passing grade. I believe they pity me. Whenever a guy comes near me, I flinch. I stopped talking to my friends. They try, but I finally think they get I am not wanting to associate myself with anyone. I know I am but I don’t want to admit to myself yet, nor anyone else, that I am depressed. Who wouldn’t be? My mother and father were murdered in front me. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I had a boyfriend last school year, but I broke up with him. I just can’t be with anyone right now. Guys are just not an easy gender for me to be around. I still have nightmares of what happened in the warehouse with Brian Hector. Speaking of Hector, the trial started yesterday and today is the day I take the stand to give my testimony against him. I have to tell my story. For the first time in front of others, besides for when I told Detective Holden and Uncle Alex. I just wanted him to receive what he deserved.

Aunt Claire came with me to the courthouse. I wore the same black dress I wore to their funeral, but I paired it with a coral cardigan and white flats. My long brunette hair was curled and pulled into a half up-half down style and my makeup was a simple natural eye. I wore waterproof mascara and eyeliner because I knew I would cry. It was inevitable. I made my way into the courtroom and sat on the right side of the courtroom behind the District Attorney defending my parent’s case. Soon after my arrival the bastard who ruined my life was brought into the courtroom. His lawyer, a court-appointed one might I add, sat in his seat next to Brian Hector. The bastard had a smirk on his face. How dare he?

A few minutes passed and the bailiff spoke up “All rise for the honorable Judge Adam Steinway.” And we all did what was requested as Judge Steinway made his was to his seat.

“You all may sit and let’s get started with the second day in the trial on the murder of Alexander Police Chief Mark Collins and his wife, Josephine Collins. The accused, Brian Hector, is facing charges of first-degree murder along with charges of kidnapping, sexual abuse, assault, and breaking and entering.” Judge Steinway announced.

We all sat as he commanded. I turned behind me to notice Detective Holden seated behind me. He seemed to age a lot more than he should have in the past four months since I’ve seen him. He still held the same level of attractiveness he always has. He was very handsome. He had short tousled brunette hair. His eyes were a deep brown. He smiled at me quickly as I caught myself staring at him. I shot him a quick smile before turning around quickly. My cheeks reddened with embarrassment for being caught staring at him by him. I quickly dismissed those impure thoughts and turned my attention to the trial.

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