Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Maggie’s POV

As soon as I shut my apartment door behind Matthew, I locked it quickly. I looked around the place and sighed a sigh of relief. I rushed to my bedroom and looked at my mess. In my haste to answer the door earlier, I left most of my knives and tools out in the open. Thank God he didn’t push to go to the bedroom.

I was preparing my kit and brushing up on my skills. I was going to make my first kill tomorrow night. I had his name and after I left the department earlier today, I found out where to find the scumbag. He was going to be easy to take down. Being the daughter of a cardiac surgeon and a police chief made it so much easier to do this. And the past six years of learning martial arts just adds to my skills.

I had only just begun my practicing when Matthew had arrived. I gazed up to my wooden block where a couple daggers were protruding from. I had great aim, I knew that, but I didn’t want to get too cocky. I pulled my daggers from the wood and placed them back in my pack along with the rest of my knives and tools of torture. I put the pack up in its hiding spot in my closet.

I showered quickly and towel dried my hair until it was just barely wet then I pulled it into a tight French braid. I was exhausted and I had a long rehearsal and a murder ahead of me.

I plopped down on my bed and pulled my covers over me and drifted off into deep sleep.


I found myself kneeling over a body, blood everywhere. I felt a smile creep onto my face. I had done it. I had killed someone. For the first time in my life, I had taken a life, which would save many lives in the end. This feeling was beyond pleasurable. I succeeded in my first of many kills to come. When had I become so sadistic? Well, when you’ve watched your parents being murdered in front of you, it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. I looked down at my kill and noticed something was horribly off. I couldn’t make out their face, which was beyond me, I want the police to know who was killed. It is not in my plans to mar their face to where they are visually unidentifiable. And the gang members clothing had changed into a suit, a suit I’ve seen before.

“You made a mistake Maggie, you aren’t smart enough to do this.” I heard a familiar voice say behind me.

I went to turn but I was stuck, unable to move. Instead I felt a knife enter my left side. I gasped. Then a hand pushed my face down towards the body I was knelt in front of.

“Look what you’ve done to him Maggie. Look, you killed him. Do you even care?” The same voice spoke again, I noticed it was Chief Jacobs’ voice, but I hadn’t seen his face.

I looked at the body and saw it was Matthew. “No, I didn’t mean too, I was killing a Corelli gang member. It wasn’t Matthew, I swear it wasn’t.” I sobbed out. Why did I do this?

“You weren’t paying attention. You got sloppy, you’re going to get caught Maggie, and he will pay for it all.” Chief Jacobs whispered in my ear as he twisted the knife in my side causing me to scream out in pain.

“Nooo!” I shouted as I sprung out of bed. I was drenched in sweat. Turning my head to look at my alarm clock, I saw it was only four in the morning. My sheets were soaked, so I stripped them from my bed. I quickly put on a fitted sheet from my closet and grabbed a spare blanket as well. I changed my pillow case as well and left the dirty linens in a pile on my floor. I was too tired to worry about them now.

I laid back down and tried to go back to sleep, but my thoughts kept drifting off to my nightmare. What did it mean? I hadn’t even killed anyone yet? But my dreams were already deterring me from it.

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