Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Matthew’s POV

I arrived home around ten at night. I was surprised, my apartment was clean. I could actually tell it was an apartment. Even though it was late, I decided to go check on Maggie and thank her for what she had done. I didn’t believe she would actually clean my place.

Then I remembered, what had she gone through? Had she gone into my closet? Had she opened the box? I knew exactly what each box held and how everything lay in the box. It was weird, but I pay super attention to detail and can remember how things were laid out. It’s what helped me become a great detective. Some people were good with remembering numbers and dates, I remember how things look and exactly how things are left. That kind of why I left my place a mess, I could find whatever I was looking for because I knew where to find it.

I decided to brush it off, Maggie isn’t one of those people to snoop around. I left my apartment and made my way three doors down. I knocked on her door. After a minute passed, I was about to knock again when the door opened. Maggie’s hair was falling out of her pony tail she had earlier and she had a bit of sweat running down her forehead.

“You alright?” I asked suppressing a laugh.

“Uh, yeah, I was working on something and then I heard you knock on the door.” She said breathlessly.

“May I come in?” I asked

“Of course.” She said while opening her door further and moving out of the way to let me pass.

I walked in and turned to face her. “Thanks for cleaning my apartment, you really didn’t have to do it. I was very ok with the mess.”

“You’re place was a bit disorganized, I just straightened it up, honestly it wasn’t that big of a deal.” She said as she closed the distance between us. “I’m actually surprised that Alex gave us his blessing.”

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her even closer. “In all honesty, so am I. I was afraid he would skin my hide if he knew we were doing whatever we are doing.”

She laughed “And what exactly is this? I know I abruptly kissed you yesterday and then, well, you kissed me back, then we cuddled on your couch, but I never thought of how or if you wanted to further this.”

“I do want to further this, I want you Maggie. If we are being honest, I have been attracted to you for a very, very long time. I’ve felt myself drawn to you from the moment we found out you were missing six years ago. I had to get you back. For the chief, I told myself, but deep down I knew I would need you in my life. I understand if this may be too much for you, and that if you don’t want to be with me, but I haven’t been with anyone since you left town six years ago. My ex-girlfriend left me because she even saw how I felt about you, before I had.” I confessed, lifting so much from me, I regretted it because I put myself out there and she may turn and run away.

However, she surprised me by kissing me. I claimed her back with a kiss as I tightened my arms around her, clinging her body to mine. She wrapped her arms tightly around me too, like she didn’t ever want to be pulled from me.

“Matthew, I’ve wanted you to say that for so long, I feel the same way. I felt something for you six years ago, I never knew what it was exactly until now. I’m older, I’ve grown. At that age, I was young, stupid, and I had easily been taken advantage of. Now, I’m sure of how I feel about you. I’ve fallen for you and I have no intention of getting up.” She gave her confession to me.

I kissed her again. Not sure of where this was going, I decided to take this to another level. I moved us closer towards her bedroom. Then I felt her tense up causing me to stop. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”

“No, it’s not that I don’t want to do that, I very much do, but I… don’t have anything… protection wise.” She told me while looking down.

“Hey, its ok, this can wait. I got ahead of myself, it’s been six years, I can wait longer. It’s not a big deal right now.” I explained to her

She looked up and smiled “When it does happen, it will be a very big deal. After all, it will be my first. I’d like for that to be a big moment in my life.”

I wasn’t surprised she was a virgin, I was glad. And I was very glad that I wouldn’t be taking her virginity tonight. That’s a special moment for everyone. I want her to enjoy herself. I don’t want her to be in pain, because if I were to have taken her just now, I would have been reckless and rough. I would have hurt her. And I do not want to do that. “We can just enjoy some time together. Talk about our days. Like couples do.”

She smiled “I would love to know how your day went. What did you do today, Honey?”

I smiled “Well, there was a homicide on the upper east side, another Correlli gang affiliation. Unfortunately, even though it’s got their signature all over it, we can’t tie it to them or any individual.” I ended with a sigh “How was your day?”

“I’m sorry about the homicide. That gang can burn in Hell. They’ve ruined so many lives, my life as well.” She sighed in frustration. “And my day went better than yours, I’m sorry. I got the lead in the first production of the summer at the theatre. And we practiced all day. I had to sit over a steamer when I got home.”

“What’s the production? And when is it? I want to make sure I’m off on opening night, I’ll be there.” I asked, this was so much better than focusing on a murder.

“It’s the Sound of Music, I’m playing Maria. And it debuts on the fourteenth of June.” She said with a smile, but I could tell her mind was somewhere else for a minute.

We ended up talking for a little more and as much as I never wanted to stop talking to her, I knew I had to sleep or else work will be a bitch tomorrow.

“It’s pretty late, I’m going to head on back to my place and get some shuteye.” I told her while getting up from her sofa that we had been occupying for a while.

She sighed “Alright, I want you to have all the rest you need.” She stood up next to me and led me to the door.

She kissed me softly, to which I responded with another kiss. “Goodnight Maggie.”

“Goodnight Matthew.” She said as I left her apartment, heading to my own for the night.


Author’s Note:

I know this was short, but I want to pick up where this chapter left off in Maggie’s POV.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

XOXO Brianna

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