Chapter Four

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Whaddup! Let me just explain one thing. If you haven’t caught it yet, I switch from Maggie’s POV (Point o/f View) to Matthew’s frequently. I do this because it gives you both, obviously, the view point of the two lead characters. If you don’t like the POV switches that I do, then maybe this isn’t the book for you. I have two other stories that I am working on with different form of narratives. “The President’s Daughter” which is a third person narrative, so I can switch freely to each character and “Island Rush: Afterwards” which is a fan fiction sequel to another story here on Wattpad by JadedViolet. Her story was in first person, so I continued it in first person view of the same character she did. None of my stories are complete as of today, 9/2/14. Like I stated in my last chapter for MJL, I do not have an update schedule. Also, I often get on a writer’s stump with my stories, so to prevent me from not finishing them, I switch to a different story. I write on that for a while, then when I get bored, switch to a different story. I know, it’s confusing, but it’s just how I work. Also, my chapters are relatively short. That’s because I am in no way a perfect writer, I try to put in additional information, but normally I am typing on my phone, therefore, I get tired of doing that and just keep it short, but I do write on my laptop, which I am doing so right now, and that is an easier thing write on therefore I can lengthen my writings. Well, enough of me. Enjoy Chapter Four.


Chapter Four

Maggie’s POV

The lights were bright, I only kept my eyes open for a second before closing them quickly and I groaned. I heard a shuffle around me. Suddenly, I felt something touch me.

“Maggie! Can you hear me?” I heard a familiar female voice ask me frantically. “Maggie! Please, give me a sign.”

I opened my eyes, the bright lights of the room took hold of me once more “Too bright.” I managed to say. I heard more shuffling, and one of the lights was turned off, “Much better.”

I looked around as my vision adjusted, the familiar voice belonged to my Aunt Claire. She is my dad’s sister. The thought of my dad brought the memories of what had happened to my mind. I just wanted it to be some horrible nightmare, but no, here I am in this hospital bed, without any parents by my side.

“Aunt Claire, how long?” I asked slowly

She looked at me confused, “How Long?”

I sighed and rolled my eyes “Since my mother and father were murdered? How long have I been out?” I asked angered, how can she be so dumb? What else could I be wanting to know?

She looked at me with saddened eyes “Five days. You were found two days ago.” She replied then looked at the door “Let me go alert the staff, they’ll need to talk to you and explain some things and of course ask you some questions. I’ve been told that the police need to ask you questions as well and get your statement.” She said as she left the room.

I was alone. That word, alone, describes me perfectly now. No parents to watch me grow up. No parents to come home to every night. No parents to put food in my mouth. No family dinners. Nothing. I am an orphan. Even though I am now going to be left in the care of my Aunt Claire, I still felt alone. And the last thing I want right now is make a statement and answer questions. All I wanted to do was crawl up in a hole and stay there for the rest of my miserable existence. I guess you could say I am fortunate in a way though, the mad man that murdered my parents never got around to raping me like he promised he would. Maybe he never intended on actually doing so, but then again, would it matter if he did? I’ve already lost so much. One more thing wouldn’t make it any other worse.

First Comes MurderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ