Chapter Ten

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Authors Note:

This is the new revised chapter 10. The revision date is 10/17/2014.


Chapter Ten


I left Maggie's apartment and went to mine with a million thoughts running through my head. What just happened? She straddled me and I made it seem like I didn't want it, which I very much did. Why did I do such a stupid thing? Don't get me wrong, I find myself getting increasingly attracted to her. Both her looks and her personality. I just wasn't sure it was the right thing to do right now, she just moved back. Plus, if I had in fact let things continue, then it would just be viewed as a one night stand, and I wanted much more than that with her. After all, I haven't been with anyone since she left town six years ago. I just haven't felt the need, and then she returned and now all I find myself wanting is her.

I sighed as I walked to my kitchen and placed the tubberware container Maggie gave on the counter. I was hungry, so I opened it up and began to eat the chicken. It was really good. I felt bad for leaving now, I'd love for her to see my reaction to how great her cooking was. After I finished, I immediately washed the container and laid it out to air dry. I went straight for the bathroom and took a shower. Afterwards, I just headed to bed with my mind cluttered in thoughts.

I woke up early the next morning and readied myself for work. I stopped by at the local coffee shop that many of the city's police frequented. I bought a coffee for myself and Lt. Johnson. It was just after seven in the morning when I arrived to work. Lt. Johnson was already there and I placed his coffee next to him, for which he thanked me for.

"So, any leads on the case?" I asked

"No, just more dead ends." He sighed

Our case we had been assigned was a gang related homicide. It was a Jane Doe who happened to be pregnant at the time of her murder. She was four months along. It was just a sad case because we couldn't find anything on her identity and no missing persons report had been made. We released her image on the news asking for any information on who she was or on her murder, but we got nothing.

I sighed and cursed under my breath as I sat down at my desk. "What do we do?"

"We just keep looking and if no leads come up, then we put this case on the back burner. And then eventually it will be labeled as a cold case until any new leads pop up, if any." He said

Just then a thought popped into my head. "What if we run the fetus's DNA and see if it matches up to anyone in the system?"

His eyes widened as he stood up "That's a brilliant idea!" and he started walking out the office "Come on." He motioned me to follow.

I did and we made our way to the morgue to speak with the medical examiner.

We spoke with Dr. Morgan and luckily she was able to retrieve DNA from the unborn child. It would take three weeks for any results to come back, but if it matched anyone in the system, we were a possible step closer to solving the case. If not, then we were left with no direction and we'd have to close the case.

After a long day at work, I finally headed home. I was exhausted, but I ate some leftover takeout in my fridge and took a shower. I remembered I still had the tubberware container Maggie lent me, so even though it was late I decided to return it or else I would forget. Knowing my line of work, I'd be too busy to even remember to return it. So, I dressed in an old pair of Alexander police academy sweats and a grey t-shirt and headed out into the hall to knock on her door after grabbing the container.

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