13:Best Friends?

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Three Months later

A/N: In relation to Dealing With the Delinquent, it's been 2 months since Miles was killed and Diem took over. So to be clear, Miles is dead and Diem is in charge. Okay have fun reading

Mag's POV

"Bye Marty" I head out the store but he stops me

"Wait, where are you going"

Marty has been very suspicious towards me ever since that day he saw my wearing Nick's tag.  He always ask where I came from and where I'm going after work. I don't know why but he does.

Even though I never had one, but Marty sounds like my dad

"I ask if I could cut my shift short. You approved of it."

"I know that, but where are you going"

"I have to go help my mother out at home. She's very old in age"That seemed to satisfied him cause he didn't question it. I walk out of the store and head down the sidewalk.

I walk a bit longer until I see the car. The driver door opens and he steps out. Smiling at him, i rush over and hug him"Woah, you're acting as if you having seen me hours"He teased me

I pull back while hitting"Because I haven't"I walk around the car and get into the passenger seat.

Nick gets into the driver seat. He switches to drive and we drive off"So, anything new happen"

I've been trying to get him to tell me anything about his gang with his friends.

When I confronted him about Miles and everything I heard that night, Nick explained to me about everything. He started from when they joined a gang in the 8th grade to having this guy named Miles after them.

The way he described Miles, I'm scared that he might come after me to toy with Nick.  I mean, that's what he did with Dalen and Diem

"Um, well Diem is doing better and um-"

"I already know about that. You told me that Diem was shot and she survived. That's it. And that happened almost two month's ago. Something has to have happened since then." Nick continues to stare forward at the road. He's hiding something from me, but what is it and why?

"Nothing happened Mags"

"Really, nothing happened? Nick, don't think I didn't notice all of the scars and bruises you had on you last month. The ones that you still have now"

"Mags, do you trust me" He looked over at me with pleading eyes. I nodded my head"Then trust me that I will tell you everything at one point. If I refuse to tell you something now, it's to keep you safe"

I nod my head. Looking out the window I notice that we are going somewhere different today"Where are we going" I don't get a response. It hits me"Are we going to your house? Am I going to meet them" I didn't even bother to hide my excitement

Nick has told me all about the gang. From Dalen being his best friend to Erik and Chez being the most childish people ever. And then Diem, god I want to meet Diem so bad. She sounds so cool and amazing. I haven't had a girl friend since her. So I think becoming friends with Diem would be the best

"Why would I take you to meet those guys" He looked at me and smirked

"ugh, smokessss"I whine out

"ugh, chipsssss"He mimics me

"You promised me you would take me to them one day"He turned the corner and we parked at a restaurant

"I did, but it's not today"He got out of the car. I copy his actions. We walk to the door. As we did he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

Nick hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend. And to be honest I don't think that he ever will. I mean he gave me back his tag when I stopped avoiding him.  He acts like we're dating. But I've seen people at my school act like this

Like, they will be the best of friends but won't have any romantic feeling towards one other. Maybe that's how Nick is with me. Maybe he thinks how I see us.

Now, I know what you're think. I'm aware that he talked about liking me that night at the school, but he just doesn't act that way with me.

We get in and wait for the hostess.

Do you ever just sit or stand there and then suddenly feel like you bleed all over yourself. I'm not even on my period but still I feel like that."I have to go the bathroom real quick"

"Okay, I'll be here" I get from under his arm and walk off to the bathroom.

I walk in and head to a stall. Pulling down my pants and sitting down, I realize, I had nothing to worry about. I hate being a girl sometimes.

After doing my business, I go and wash my hands.

Does anyone else look around a restaurant bathroom and just randomly want to take a bunch of pictures?

Instead of taking pictures, I dry my hands and walk out. I head back to the hostess stand. I slowly stop when I notice the hostess leaning over the stand twirling a strand of her hair while looking at Nick. He isn't doing anything but standing there.

It looks like their having a conversation.

Exhaling, I stand up straighter and walk towards them. Nick looks over at me and instantly smiles. I return it and grab his hand"I'm back"

Looking down at me he squeezes my hand"Like, I said, I 'm here with someone else. Table for 2"

The hostess gave me a sour face before grabbing two menus and put on a fake smile"Follow me please"

We follow her. I lean up against Nick's arms. Soon after I feel him kiss the top of my head

Yeah, I don't think he sees me as just a best friend


I want to make a few things clear

-Mags doesn't know Miles is dead(Will be explained later)

-Nick and Mags aren't dating, they are just really close as of right now

-She hasn't met the group yet

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