Sarcasm because assult charges are expensive

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The blonde had fun, playing games, winning, and getting praise with and from his friends. Everywhere he went with this group of idiots, he had fun. Loads of fun.

And they were really hilarious when they were tipsy, not drunk or wasted, but tipsy. Katsuki didn't drink, however, saying that it was "bad for his health" and "needed all the self control he had" which Sero called him a snowflake and resulted in Kirishima holding Katsuki back by the arms.

"Kami! Would you rather," Mina piped up in the middle the first round of truth or dare. Katsuki grumbled, thankful that he didn't have to play that ridiculous game that gets people arrested.

"Would you rather have a third eye or a second nose?" she continued, pulling her feet up off the ground to kick them back and forth.

"Oh third eye all the way!" Kaminari flipping his bangs off his forehead only for them to fall pack in place. "That way you have more eyes to admire!"

"Or more eyes to be creeped out by," Katsuki snorted, receiving a nudge from the redhead that was beside him, struggling to hold back a laugh.

"That's—That's mean!" he snickered as Kaminari whined and complained, clinging onto Sero for comfort.

"Alright Bakugou—" Sero grabbed his attention, a devious smirk on his face. "Would you rather kiss a handsome man or an ugly gir—"

"Handsome man," he interrupted before the jet haired boy could even finish. Mina and Hanta looked surprised at the quick answer. Kaminari and Kirishima, however, didn't pay any mind to it as Kaminari started the next question.

After Ashido kept quiet for a moment, seemingly in her thoughts far, far away, she asked a simple question.

"Baku, are you gay?" she asked mindlessly, obviously remembering the night she was drunk. Katsuki tried really hard not to pay attention to the still room, all four pairs of eyes on him which made his anxiety stir and his thoughts scream at him to say something. He didn't answer and instead sipped his bottle of water and completely ignored it like their stares didn't faze him.

     He turned to Kirishima blankly, his eye twitching a bit as he tried to get his heart under control.

     "Die for someone or kill for someone?" he asked, catching the redhead off guard.

     "I—umm, are you gonna answer Mina's—"

     "I'm leaving."

Bakugou jumped to his feet, making it obvious he was uncomfortable and stomped to the exit at an abnormal walking pace.

     "Kacchan wai—" Kaminari's call was cut off with the slam of the door

Kirishima POV

     "I—was it something I said?" Kirishima asked, turning towards Mina who was equally confused. They shrugged.

     "I think it was Mina," Denki accused, making the girl scoff and pout in response.

     "I just asked a simple question!" she whined and folded her arms defensively, "Whats the big deal?" Hanta placed a hand on her shoulder, nodding towards the yellow haired boy.

     "I—It's an extremely personal question, to be honest," the ravenette stated. His hand was shook off her shoulder and the boy the swiveled his eyes towards Eijirou. "And you shouldn'tve acknowledged. Bakugou made an obvious effort to change the subject in which you plainly ignored."

     "Yeah," Kaminari shifted his legs out from under him, "you guys should go apologize to him."

     "You mean, we all should go apologize to him. Just as a precaution." Sero turned his head towards the window and sighed. "But it'll have to wait, it's already nighttime."

     "Guys look—"Mina pointed towards the floor, her eyes lighting up in a devious smile, "—Baku left his phone!"

     "Down girl, we shouldn't invade his privacy like that," Kirishima cut in, grabbing the device, "We already made him upset. We don't wanna lose his trust by snooping."

     Kaminari and Ashido complained, tugging on the boys sleeve for him to comply but Eijirou didn't budge and ended up kicking everyone out as a result.

     "Goodnight," he called out before quietly closing his door. He stood in the darkish room, music still playing in the background to fill the emptiness along with his guilty conscious. He sighed, slumping into his bathroom to take a quick shower. However, before he could do so, Bakugou's phone started to buzz.

     He looked at the screen, a familiar number being displayed. Kirishima contemplated answering it but before he could even think about doing so he swiped right and held it up to his ear.

     "He—Hello, how may I help you?" Kirishima stammered, a grimace gracing his face.

     "Oh hi, Um, my name is Ayana—eh,—is mister artist available?"

Eijirou about choked on his own breath, immediately remembering why the phone number was familiar—it was his mother's number.

"Ayana," he chuckled, "How'd you get my friends phone number?"

"EH?! Eiji!? Wha—why—how?!" the little girl stuttered, puzzled. The redhead laughed and sat down in his office chair.

"Mister artist left his phone at my dorm," he smiled, knowing how his sister had taking a liking to Bakugou, "He's my friend."

"OMG REALLY?!" Kirishima shushed her, knowing she was probably calling without their moms permission. She took a breath and whispered, "You're so lucky!"

"Haha, yeah, but how'd you get his number though? It took me about a month to get it."

"Me and mommy ran into him on our way to the spa. I ran up to him to say hi and asked him to draw us!" She chirped happily, "But mommy was scared it'd cost a lot but he told us he'd do it for free! He even gave me this pretty sticky paper that had a flower and his number on it! He's so nice! Mommy thinks so too!"

Bewilderment was written all over the redheads face as he gazed at nothing particular. He dryly gulped, digging his nails into his knee as a sheepish smile lit up in his voice. "Wh-When was this? Why am I just now hearing about it?"

"O—Oh, um, well...mommy's been busy with work but I keeped bugging her and she asked for a day off this Friday so...I kinda forgot to tell you. I'm so sorry Eiji, please don't be mad!" she vaguely explained, answering half his question.

"But when did you ask him?"

"Umm—Oh! I think he writed the day on his sticky note! Let's see," there was a slight pause "Seven dash sixteen dash...ummm...I can't read the rest, it's too sloppy. I'm sorry."

"Damn, a few months ago?" Kirishima sighed, "I hope mom's not overworking herself again. I'm glad you convinced her to take a day off Ayana." He grinned, scratching the back of his itchy neck. "I'll tell mister artist, yeah? You should go to bed, you have school tomorrow."

"Okay! Nighty night Eiji, don't let the bed bugs bite!"

"Yeah, love you." Kirishima hung up, hanging his head lowly.

Every time he's convinced that Bakugou couldn't get any more manly he goes and does something like this. Kirishima closed his eyes, imagining his competitive and insulting grin that stretched from ear to ear and never failed to make his heart stutter. He's only done it once in the time he's known him but he'll never forget the butterflies and the satisfaction from being the one that made him smile like that.

Eijirou bolted upright, startled at his brain for the image behind his eyelids. Why does the mere though of Bakugou stir up feelings he hasn't felt since high school?


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