The hell was that???

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"Katsuki did you hear?" Eijirou exclaimed. Bakugou turned towards him, his attention completely given to him even though he was in the middle of doing something.

"What's up your ass today?"

"Those villain guys," Kirishima smiled in relief, "they got arrested yesterday! It's all over the news. They won't be out for a while."

"Thank fucking All Might," Katsuki huffed out as he straightened his stack of papers. But Kirishima still was shifting on his feet. "Is that all?"

"Well uhm," Eijirou floated to the other side of Katsuki while they walked, "Mina's throwing a party."


"BUUUUT it's just 10 people and there will be food."

"Alcohol too?"

"...yeah, this is Mina and Kami we're talking about."

"Then no." Katsuki stalked down the hallway with a stack of papers in his arms. Eijirou followed like a lost puppy.

"Please? I know it wasn't a good experience last time but—"

Katsuki whipped around with a bewildered expression, placing a sassy hand on his hip.

"I could almost compare it to fucking burning to death."

"Okay, it sucked!" Kirishima scoffed, but fluttered his lashes and jutted out his bottom lip in an attempt to beg. "Please? I don't want that to be your only party experience!"

Bakugou groaned, his resolve faltering from the depth of his fiery eyes—those puppy eyes that were almost impossible to say no to.

"...fine, but if y'all start puking I'm leaving," Katsuki murmured, pivoting on his heel and marching off to wherever. Kirishima followed, giving him the details about who was gonna be there.

"Oh uhhh, did I mention that it's tonight?"

"Tonight?! Hell shitty hair, thanks for the heads up!" Katsuki dropped off his papers on Aizawa's desk with an exasperated sigh. Kirishima chuckled apologetically, his hand finding its way to the back of his neck. He was about to say something else but Aizawa called out to him.

"Kirishima, I need to speak to you." He laced his fingers together in thinned patience. Katsuki glared at him and nodded to Eijirou.

"I'll be there, don't shit yourself."

"Thanks man! Wait for me at the dorms," he requested with a bright smile before filing back into the lecture hall.

Katsuki sighed, running his hand down his face as he blushed. It was hard to keep his cool around him now. His pent up frustration did nothing to calm his racing heart.

He ran into the three amigos, waiting in line at the school cafeteria. They were chatting away and laughing like idiots until they spotted him.

"Kacchan! Over here!" Kaminari waved like a maniac, but Bakugou ignored him and went in the line to the coffee shop instead. Mina said something to the two men and bounced her way over to him in an annoying manner.

"Soooo, Baku, I know you don't like parties, buuut—"

"Don't bother, shitty hair already informed me," Katsuki interrupted, pinching the bridge of his nose. Mina lifted her brows before a playful smile danced around her lips.

"So I'll see you tonight yeah?"

"What makes you think I'm going?" Katsuki glared at her while she giggled. Mina folded her arms behind her back and gave him a knowing look.

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