I'm going to make this wierd

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"Midoryia wait up!" Kirishima called, waving bye to his friends and jogging up to the green headed man. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure!" Midoryia nodded to Uraraka and Todoroki and they quickly went about their way. Midoryia turned back to Kirishima with his sweet award-winning smile. "What'd you want to talk about?"

"I, uhm..." Kirishima suddenly felt ashamed, guilty even. Katsuki didn't say much about himself, and when he did it was always so cryptic. His curiosity restored his courage. "What was Katsuki like when he was younger?"

Midoryia's face faltered. He awkwardly avoided eye contact and hummed as if debating something.

"Let's...go sit on that bench over there."

     Kirishima nodded, suddenly very wary as he followed the other. They settled on a bench nearby, uncomfortable silence fell over them. But he waited patiently for Izuku to talk.

     "...we've been childhood acquaintances since forever, friends maybe. Kacchan was always so adventurous and had natural leadership qualities. He loved to do everything and go everywhere." Midoryia smiled painfully. "But his home life was never good."

     "What was it like?"

     "I don't know." Midoryia chuckled awkwardly as he wrung his hands together. "He never told anyone anything, but he was always so angry. Every time I tried to do something for him he'd...beat me up, or something." Kirishima's eyes widened. He wasn't expecting that at all.

     "Was he...?"

     "It's not what you want to hear but he bullied everyone. His...'friends' were bad influences on him. His mother...his mother didn't help him much. And the incident..." Midoryia looked at him nervously, "I'm guessing you don't know what happened?"

     "...no, what'd he do?" Kirishima was afraid to know, but he couldn't help but be curious. All of this information was tough to take in.

     "..." Izuku opened his mouth but didn't say anything, and his expression was terrible. They sat like that for a minute, neither of them desired to speak until Kirishima didn't want to stay there anymore.

     "...you don't have to tell me if it's difficult," Eijirou admitted as he stood up. He stretched as he looked at the sky.

     "Kacchan's not a bad person—"

     "I know." Kirishima smiled, "He's my best friend."

Midoryia's eyes widened in surprise before he gave him a bright smile. "I'm glad!" He stood up as well, and they went their separate ways after a short handshake. Izuku's expression was still one of melancholy, but Kirishima didn't think about it as he walked on the concrete path to his class. He observed the trees, the leaves falling and the rustling of the wind between the grey branches. He couldn't tell what type of trees the were, but they were pretty nonetheless.

     The leaves started to turn into pines and evergreens. They were still green, and it's prickly and preservative nature reminded him of Katsuki. How he was able to grow under any conditions despite them being disadvantageous, how it hurt to get too close to him. There were a few differences, beside species, but it still reminded him.

     Upon hearing faint heavy panting and lead feet, he turned the corner and was met with a fenced stadium with red synthetic rubber laps that someone with platinum blond hair was running around. He was running like his life depended on it even though nothing was chasing him, a mad man perhaps.

     "What in the world...?" He had to think back a few days ago; Katsuki came back utterly exhausted. He said something about sprinting.

    '...I thought he was messing with me.'

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