Awaiting my imminent death

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Some Kirishima to brighten up your day ✨💖

Bakugou hadn't realized how big the job was until he arrived. He looked up, cranning his neck backwards just to see the top. It had to be at least 20-40 feet tall with these high ceilings.

" the hell am I supposed to get up there?" he asked, dropping his bag. The teacher, which he learned was Aizawa, pressed a button and a wooden panel lowered itself with steel wires from the ceiling. Katsuki raised his brow, humoured.

"Like this. If this job is too big, we can send someone to—"

"Nah, it's fine. Can this thing move side to side?" Bakugou said, snatching the remote out of his hand. The thing was just a toggle with a plastic case flipped up. He smirked. "Aight this'll do."

"Alright. Good luck."

The man was about to walk away until something crossed his brain.

"Hey, old man, do you have any chalk?"


~Time Skip Two Days~

Kirishima POV

"Are you sure the front administrative office has a spare key?" asked Denki, who collected the papers from the dorm's front office. Kirishima chuckled.

"They better or else you'll be stuck with Sero for the rest of the year," Kirishima implied, making the yellow haired boy shiver.

"Hell no, I can't handle his snores and donkey kicking, not even for a night." They rounded a corner and headed straight towards the big main building. "By the way, have you seen Bakugou? I was gonna ask him to tutor me in physics."

"No, and I don't think he takes physics anyway."

"Dude, he took his pen apart one day cause it was making a screeching noise and when he put it back together it was completely silent. I couldn't even hear the click."

They opened the glass door and saw paint cans and a box of chalk near a wall. They were curious, but they heard the news that someone destroyed the big mural a few weeks ago so they weren't too surprised. They walked up to the desk and handed them the papers and the lady looked amused.

"Kaminari, this is the third time you lost your key correct?"


"You're gonna have to pay for this one. And if you lose it the tax will keep rising so make sure not to lose this." The woman pressed a button on the 3D printer as she inserted a paper. "It'll take a few minutes so just wait in the lobby."

The two friends walked away and sat down, Denki instantly running his hands through his hair like his life was falling apart.

"I'm such an idiot," he whined. Kirishima rubbed his back.

"Yes you are, but you're our idiot," the redhead smiled as they both shared a chuckle.

Their attention was drawn towards an unfamiliar noise. It sounded like an electric lift and their eyes darted towards the paint cans.

A blond man was there, tossing empty paint cans in a large bin and pulling up a full one onto a flat panel. He then picked up the box of chalk and picked out a black one that was only a nub. The man had on a black tank top, grey sweat pants and a black beanie. His clothes had paint all over them.

"Bakugou?!" They both said in disbelief. They could hear faint music coming from his phone that was held in a holder that was clipped to one of the wires. He turned around.

"Hah?!" He growled, his face going from surprised to irritated. "What're you two fucks doing here?"

"Kami lost his key so we're waiting on his new one." Kirishima looked up, admiring how the base colours of the mural were already done and he could see the slight details at the top of it, he could also see the underlying sketch near the bottom. He deemed it as the chalk.

"Psh, idiot," he snickered.

"Shut up, I know!" Denki whined. Bakugou was about to retort when Kirishima interrupted him.

"Wow man, how long have you been working on this?"

"This is my third day. I'd like to be done by the end of the week if you don't fucking mind. Go away." He sat down crisscrossed and lifted the panel.

"Hey Bakubro!" Kaminari called out, earning a fierce glare from Bakugou.

"Don't call me that dunce face!"

"Can you by any chance tutor me in physics sometime soon when you're free?!" he asked. Katsuki looked down dumbfounded.

"Why the hell would I do that?"

"Cause we're friends and you're smart!" Kaminari praised. "Please?! Pretty pretty please with a taki on top?!"

"No! We're not friends! Leave me alone!"

"I'm not leaving until you say yes, Bakugou!" Kaminari planted himself on the ground and crossed his arms. Katsuki stared at him like he was out of his mind and frankly, so did Kirishima.

"Bro, you can't be serious," the redhead muttered. Kaminari, shook his head.

"I'm dead serious. I'm failing the class and if I do that I'll have to drop out of college and go work at my moms daycare until she retires and tries to hand it over to me. No way am I gonna let that happen," he laughed awkwardly. Kirishima smiled and sat with him.

"Alright, if that's the case I'm staying too."

"Fuck both of you," they heard Bakugou grumble. He lowered the thingy and sighed. "Fuckin' fine. If you want me to tutor you, you're gonna have to pay for it."

"H-How much?" Kaminari gulped, already looking like he regrets his decision.

"Not money, food. If I'm tutoring you, you're gonna get me fucking food until I finish this piece of shit. Kapeesh?" Bakugou crossed his arms. "I haven't eaten anything today so go get me a spicy chicken sandwich with fries from Wendy's. No drink." Kirishima was about to ask if he was joking but one glance from his blank face told him he wasn't. Kirishima laughed.

"Oh man, c'mon Kami, let's go get the man his sandwich," he chuckled, pulling the idiots arm.

"B-But how will I know if he—"

"He seems dead serious. And plus, it's not a bad offer. Food for tutoring? That's a smart idea. I'd rather pay for a 10 dollar meal than 15 dollars an hour, dontcha think?" Kirishima raised his brow and made Kaminari think about it. He lit up in a smile.

"You right, you right."


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