Why must I be here?

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"Uhhh, get up. That's my seat," Bakugou deadpanned, glaring at the redhead in his chair. Kirishima smiled, exposing his shark like teeth like he accidentally sat there. However, this was the third day he's done this.

"My bad man," he apologized, moving over one seat and making Katsuki scoff. This was the first time Eijirou didn't go away. He usually liked sitting in the back near the wall because it was closer to the doors, but right now he wanted to sit in the front to get away from this guy.

But the front was full so he settled on his seat, taking out his laptop to type his notes to write down and memorize later. He couldn't help but feel Kirishima's stare as he typed and listened to the professor as he talked.

     Finally he had enough.

     "Okay, what the hell is your problem? Is there somethin' on my fuckin' face?" Bakugou whispered, glaring at him in annoyance.

     It was almost as if Kirishima had waited for this to happen as the corners of his mouth turned upwards into a small smile. "I mean, there's a freckle near your ear if you mean—"

     "Shut the hell up, shitty hair. What do you want? Why do you keep staring at me?" Bakugou interrupted, his rough voice hushed as he rolled his eyes and glanced back at his computer.

     "Cause you seem like an interesting guy," Eijirou answered, making the blond almost snort loud enough to disrupt the lesson.

     "Interesting my ass, I'm just a guy with anger issues, you idiot." Katsuki scoffed at him, but the redhead didn't say anymore and left him alone the rest of class with the exception of occasional side glances.

     The next class he had, Kaminari and Sero were on either sides of him and the rest of the day continued on like that, even lunch. Bakugou was tempted to skip his last class because all of them would be in there but decided against it, he needed the credits.

     He walked in and sat down in the very back, seeing that they weren't there yet. He slipped on his glasses, his eyes burning from not wearing them when he needed them.

     The blond usually took this class time to write down the notes from the earlier classes because he didn't really do anything in it, so he started before class began like usual.

     There wasn't much to write though thankfully, but he wasn't able to get a fraction of it done before he was interrupted.

     "Woah, you wear glasses?" Kaminari slid up to a chair in front of him, turning it around. Mina reluctantly sat next to him, keeping her eyes forward but obviously listening in.

     "Yeah, what's it to you?" Katsuki grumbled, not paying him any attention. "Actually don't answer that, I need to focus on doing this."

     "Doing what?" Kirishima said sitting beside him. Bakugou rolled his eyes and shook his pencil for more lead.

     "Memorizing, dumbass."

     "What're you memorizing?" Sero asked, sitting next to Kirishima. Bakugou's head was about to explode due to all the questions.

     "Uhh, none of your damn business. Now leave me alone. Y'all are distracting me," Katsuki mumbled, shooing them away with his hand.

     Kirishima caught his hand though, examining it.

     "Bro, how're your nails so clean?" he asked, curious as he shifted his fingers to where his thumb rested in between his knuckles. Bakugou flushed, not expecting his grip to be so firm. He yanked it away with an offended his look on his face.

     "Don't fucking touch me you abominable shit llama! Fuck off!" He gathered his things quickly and moved to the other side of the room. He saw that they were about to do the same thing but the professor came in just in time.

     He tried to pay attention, however, his eyes kept wandering to his fingers. His nails were really clean now that he looks at them, and the fact that the idiot touched him like they were best friends bothered him to no end. He might've of been over thinking it, but usually no one other than his parents were up in his business like these guys were. He'd think they'd leave him alone due to his outburst when they first officially met, but no.

Katsuki decided to risk a glance over to the group of idiots, who were whispering unblinkingly to raccoon eyes. It looked like they were arguing with her about something and for some reason he was interested in what they were saying.

He shrugged it off, looking back to the paper in front of him and writing down the final two sentences from his laptop. He wrote down the last word before the professor caught his attention.

"Bakugou Katsuki," he said boredly, making everyone look towards him. "I'll see you after class."

"Why?" Bakugou deadpanned before he even had the brain capacity to think.

"I'm dropping a special project on you." The black, long haired teacher didn't wait for a response and went on with class. Bakugou was confused out of his mind.

Only a few minutes later did the bell ring. He packed up his stuff before hand so he just slouched to the front of the room.

"Ya need somethin'?" The man turned around from his desk with a bored expression.

"I notice you don't pay attention in my class. Why is that?"

"I do pay attention," he retorted. The guy didn't seem convinced as he crossed his arms.

"Prove it."

Bakugou immediately took out a notebook he dedicated to this class and handed it to him like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You're class is my easiest class cause it has to do with psychology. Since I have a therapist to help me with my anger issues, I've already memorized most of the materials you taught. The only reason I applied to this class is because I have trouble with inspiration and shi—stuff."

The teacher raised his brows, not expecting this so-called delinquent to be so scholarly. He smiled a bit and handed the notebook back.

"You proved me wrong, congratulations," the teacher scoffed, slightly amused, "But I'm still dropping a big project on you, for a different reason though."

"What is it?"

"The principal has a big painting in the commons area in the main building. Some scoundrels ruined it by splashing it in condiments and eggs and we need someone to replace it. He asked me to choose someone to repaint it so he could save a little bit of money, so I chose you on Miss Nemuri's recommendation." He handed him a photo of the mural before it was destroyed.

It looked scary.

"What the hell is this supposed to be? A gorilla?" Bakugou muttered.

"It's the schools founder."

"Doesn't look like it. Do you have a picture of the guy? That's not this?" Bakugou deadpanned, looking up.

"I'll email it to you." The teacher sat at his desk tiredly.

"When do I start?"

"Tomorrow if you want. I'll write an excuse to your classes. It wasn't really supposed to be extra credit, but since you proved me wrong I'll give you an A in this class for the rest of the semester if you manage to finish it in two weeks."

Katsuki raised is brows, trying to hide his excitement but utterly failing. "I can get it done in one week, old man."


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