I'm too hot for my own good

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     Katsuki took a shower, getting ready to go over to Kirishima's dorm. They bought an overflowing amount of art equipment and the idiots wanted to see what they could do with the left overs that Katsuki didn't really need nor want nor had any room for.

     He chuckled to himself. He'd never expected to look forward to doing something with those guys but here he is, getting ready an hour early just so he could go get them all coffee as a thanks for putting up with him and his asshole attitude.

He went out, careful not to let anyone of them spot him because the coffee is a surprise. Katsuki wasn't one for gifts, but he did know payback, good and bad.

He walked into the coffee shop and the same girl was there. Her hair was pulled up into messy buns, her adorable smile adorning her features. Her abnormalities seemed absolutely natural but the vibe she gave off was eerie enough to make Katsuki careful.

He had just ordered his friends cups before the girl interrupted him, before he could order his own drink and be on his way.

"Do you want the same thing you ordered last time, Katsu?" the girl cooed, her fangs visible in her sweet honey smile. "A hot caramel mocha frappe with whip cream? Grande right? No sugar?"

     "I—yeah, sure..." he murmured, not letting his panic reach his voice or his face. She grinned, giving him a total before going off to make the drinks.

     The girl handed him his order in a cardboard carrier that was extremely feeble, resulting him hugging it by the forearms against his chest.

     He so desperately wanted to question how she knew something he hadn't told her, but instead, briskly stalked to the glass door, the strange girl—who set him really off edge for some certain reason Katsuki couldn't exactly pinpoint—waving goodbye, adding her nickname for him at the end of her farewell.

     One thought plagued his mind as he walked back to the dormitories: 'How the hell did she know my given name?'

     He pushed it to the back of his mind—however, the uneasiness of the thought still resting in his chest—as he pulled open the stairwell door that lead out into his hallway.

     Bakugou grumbled to himself as he walked up to the redheads room, checking the knob to see if it was unlocked. The click of the door allowed him to go inside and he flung it open.

     The blonde stopped dead in his tracks, not at all prepared to see Kirishima's state. His hair was damp and hung loosely in his face as a blue towel rested over his shoulder, covering up a white tank top strap. He wore red boxers, little stripes alternating between different shades of the color.

     Katsuki tried his best not to flush, looking away and dragging his hand over his face.

     "Gross," he muttered. A simple word, yet a word he aimed towards his complicated feelings and emotions building up in his chest and stomach, a word that could be easily misunderstood without context in this situation.

     "Wow, I know I'm ugly but damn that hurt," Eijirou chuckled, scratching the back of his head that made his hair a little more messy. Katsuki set down the drinks in his hands, making sure to avoid eye contact as a futile attempt to not overthink every little movement the man made in the corner of his eye.

     "You're far from ugly, shitty hair. Fuckin' dumbass," Katsuki deadpanned under his breath though loud enough for Eijirou to react to it.

     "You brought coffee?" Kirishima loomed over the blonde shoulder, his hair tickling Katsuki's ear. He slapped his sweaty hand over it, causing Kirishima to jump back a bit away from him because of the sound the smack made.

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