Chapter 6

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Later that day, the games were about to begin once again for another good amount of coins. Everyone was looking forward to it, as they all tried to get into teams.

The newbie fitted in really well, she hanged out with Bangalore and Lifeline really. She has never talked to Revenant, but she only said a 'hello' to (Y/N).

"I don't like this Rampart person. She seems off about something strange." Revenant walked to (Y/N)'s side as she shrugged slightly.

"Maybe so, but we'll know." He nodded as the reply and patted her head a little before going to his mini section of the dropship. It was full of skulls and had draws fulled of bones and some flesh from the people he killed. "You never showed me around this." (Y/N) walked into his part of the ship as he smirked slightly.

"If I did show my stuff to you, then you would definately throw up." He chuckled evily then pulled her onto his lap. He has a small bed as they relaxed.

"Is this a duos play or a trios play?" (Y/N) asked as Mirage walked over, not going into Revenant's area because of the amount of fear.

"Oh my, (Y/N). You don't read, do you?" This caused Revenant to push (Y/N) off gently and walked over to Mirage with him chuckling nervous.

"You leave (Y/N) alone or I'll slice up your heart and have it for a snack!" He grabbed the younger man by the throat and threw him into the middle couches.

"Ouch..." He rubbed his head as Wraith helped him stand up with a deadly glare at (Y/N) and the robot.

"It duos, by the way." Wraith took Elliot to his area and checked for any injuries. "Dumb robot thinks he can mess with my man." She scoffed as her boyfriend placed a hand in her hair.

"Such soft hair, Renee." He sighed deeply.

"Don't call me that Elliot."


Rampart just experienced the previous scene as she looked at her new besties.

"That red robot guy is creepy." The soldier and healer both nodded in agreement.


Bloodhound walked over to the mad-ass couple as they leaned against the frame of the the mini-room.

"(Y/N)? May I have a small discussion with you for a minute?" (Y/N) nodded and followed them to their room area. It was full of hunting blades, pictures of ravens and their raven was eating some seeds. "You and Revenant have to get you acts together. You will ruin us before the games."

"Bloodhound... It's not my fault that Revenant is over-protected of me."

"I don't care. Sort him out or the all father will allow me to end him myself." They pulled out their battle knife before (Y/N) shivered, push Bloodhound into their stuff causing them to hit their helmet then went back to Revenant crying.


"(Y/N) what did that non-binary skinbag say to you?" Revenant now stood up, giving a deadly glare at Bloodhound, who exited their room area.

"Told me that you and I will ruin everyone before an Apex Game begins." She hugged him tightly as he got slightly embarressed. They had began dating after they admitted their love for each other. They hugged, but haven't attempted anything else since.

"I will only hurt them if they dare hurt you, (Y/N). It isn't fair if I damage their fragile little bodies before the games." He spoke the last sentence in a sarcastic and a joking way because he will do what he wants, when he wants.


The teams were:

Revenant and (Y/N).

Bangalore and Mirage.

Caustic and Gibraltar.

Lifeline and Rampart.

Wattson and Octane.

Cyrpto and Loba.

Pathfinder and Bloodhound.

Mirage decided to stay back because he wouldn't have anybody to team up with since Bangalore wanted to team up with his girl.


Everyone were on their way to Kings Canyon again and most of them were very excited.

(Y/N) and Revenant landed in an empty and safe place as they collected a Grey Evo Shield, 2 shield cells each and two Syringes to share between them both.

"Our loadout isn't soo bad. What weapon have you got, Revenant?" (Y/N) asked keeping an eye outside of the house they were in.

"I have an Alternator and SpitFire, you?" He groaned quietly and looked out from another window, wanting to kill somebody.

"Triple Take and RE-45." She smiled and moved away before pinging somebody. "Someone is out there. Be careful."

"Don't tell me to be careful. I am fully aware of the dangers." He placed his Death Totem as he turned into smoke. (Y/N) joined him as they rushed out to kill the squad. They were Wraith and Bangalore. Not easy opponents.

Wraith managed to send (Y/N) back to the totem as she used her only Syringe to heal a little while Revenant was still in his shadow form.

He knocked Wraith down, but got sent back by Bangalore. He looked at (Y/N) and nodded before rushing out and killing Bangalore before she managed to help Wraith up.


Revenant and (Y/N) managed to survive until there was two squads left. Him and her vs Pathfinder and Bloodhound. They were at The Cage.

Bloodhound did have the advantage since they could scan enemies through literally anything, but that wasn't going to stop Revenant and (Y/N) from winning this match.

Pathfinder used his zipline to get to a higher place at The Cage. Revenant used another Death Totem as (Y/N) used her Two Tigers to attack the last squad. One was killed as the other managed to do 50 damage.


Revenant and (Y/N) pushed them, but Bloodhound sent (Y/N) back as she quickly headed back up to help Revenant. He got sent back as Bloodhound knocked down (Y/N).

Revenant gasped quietly as he shot at Bloodhound knocked them down.

Pathfinder then snuck up behind Revanant and shotgunned him in the back, causing him and Bloodhound to win the game.


What do you think is going to happen in Chapter 7?

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