Chapter 7

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(Y/N) gasped loudly and deeply as she sat up in a white bed. She looked around to see Revenant still down in it.

"Revenant?" (Y/N) got up to see that she had a small bandage on her wrist. She sat on his bed and held his hand gently. He gently squeezed as his yellow optics began to glow.

"Skinbag? Did we lose?" He asked, sitting up.

"Yes. I am sorry for failing you." (Y/N) began to tear up as his hard, cold, metal hand layed onto her cheek.

"It isn't your fault, (Y/N)." The robot man pulled her into a hug gently as Wraith and Mirage walked into the room.

"(Y/N)? Big Scary Murdering Robot? We need to explain some difficulties to you." Mirage spoke, not wanting to be near the killer robot.

"What is it, Elliot?" (Y/N) asked before sitting next to Revenant, kind of wanting to hold his metallic hand. He kept his hands to himself.

"Well, Revenant here always wants to hurt people, and that is threatening to people. We want Revenant to leave the Apex Games!" He loudly spoke as they both gasped, the robot's being quieter.

"Why should I leave for you skinbags?" Revenant snarled loudly.

"It's because you are a threat to us!" Wraith yelled back at him.

"I am not leaving and none of you can make me!" He stood up as his leg slightly wobbled. "Nothing is going to stop me from leaving you scums!"

"Then we will make you go." Bloodhound walked in with everyone else as they all looked at him.

Revenant's optics glew orange as his hands turned into daggers. Everyone charged at him as began to beat him up. (Y/N) tried to get them off him, but Pathfinder accidentally knocked her out by punching her on the head.

They all soon go off Revenant when they snapped his arm and foot off. He groaned massively as he managed to stand on the one foot left. He picked up (Y/N) by using his one arm and making half of her weight on his back.

He limped out of the area while everyone smirked and some regretted what they just did.

Revenant walked in the rain as he was unable to keep his balance much longer.

"I got to... keep moving." He hopped on more step before collasping to the floor, with (Y/N) landing in front of him. "I will protect you with my life, skinsuit."

(Y/N) woke up from the rain hitting her on the face as she saw Revenant dripping from the cloth around his head and chin. His optics looked weak as his hand layed on her stomach.

"Revenant? What happened?"

"You got knocked out by Pathfinder, and they beaten me up pretty good. They took off my arm and foot. I am also losing a lot of oil."

"I'll get you home." She stood up and tried to pick him up, but he was too heavy. "Your too heavy.

"Leave me to die." His head hit the ground as his optics went black.

"Revenant!?" She got no answer. "Revenant..." (Y/N) grabbed his arm and managed to drag him to his house.


(Y/N) used a toolbox to repair Revenant's leakages as he removed all of his clothed clothing as found a spare arm and foot in his secret closet.

She placed a plug into his neck as his power recharged. She oiled him as well as she saw something odd.

She placed a hand on the thing and placed it down as she heard him groan.

"Please... move away... from that." Revenant spoke weakly as he slowly sat up. (Y/N) moved away and let go of it. Revenant checked out his replaced arm and foot as he nodded in satisfaction.

"What is that?" She asked.

"It is my steam system. When I am hot or something, steam comes out of this tube and allows my systems to not overheat." Revenant gently pushed his tube back into his leg. (Y/N) watched and rubbed his metallic back softly. It was cold, but smooth.

"How are you feeling?"

"Good. Thanks to you..." He whispered quietly as (Y/N) giggled and put everything away. "I'll make you some food. What would you want?" His voice was now sort of raspy and soft.

"Anything you can make." She replied ans went to sit on his red couch. "I am mainly tired."

"Today has been stressful, I suppose. We lost a match, I got torn up again, and my body and life got saved by a weak little girl." He laughed as (Y/N) grunted and stood up.

"Excuse me!? Weak!? Little!? I will show you!" She walked over to him and grabbed him by the wrist of his newly placed arm.

"You better let go of me if you know what is good for you." He threatened as she didn't move an inch.

"Little old Revenant telling his little girl what to do? What will you do? Choke me? 'Slice my heart up for a snack'? Come on then tough guy?" (Y/N) stayed close to him as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"We'll find out what your punishment is going to be then." Revenant chuckled and lightly pressed where his lips would be against her. She blushed and kissed him back anyway.

"I love you, Revenant."

"I-I... I love you too, meatbag." He moved away embarressed and went to do her dinner.

Apex Legends: Revenant x Reader - The Dead Man & The SkinsuitWhere stories live. Discover now