38 - For Her

118 8 2

APRIL 2019

Ziggy was taking a short break from recording in Aurora's studios when he received a message from Joey.

"Hey, dude? How's it going?" she asked him.

"I'm cool" Ziggy replied. "Back to recording new music."

"That's good news!" she said. "With Blaster?"

"Yup" Ziggy replied.

"Then GREAT news!" Joey told him.

"Why didn't you stop me when I made my last album? Hahahaha" he asked her.

"I didn't think you would really go along with it" she answered. "I thought you were gonna realize it yourself that it's not you."

"I wish I realized sooner" Ziggy told her.

"Even the greatest fall sometimes" Joey told him. "I have no doubt you'll be able to redeem yourself now that Blaster is back."

"You should come and visit" Ziggy encouraged her. "Blaster made me some smoking tunes."

"I wish I could" Joey replied. "Dad gave me more responsibilities in the company. I'm not complaining though. I know he's just grooming me to be fit to inherit the company someday."

"I'm sure you'll do great" Ziggy told her.

"Oh, by the way, is Claire here in Los Angeles?" Joey asked. "I think I saw her last week when I was driving around."

"I don't know" Ziggy answered.

"You don't know where she is?" Joey asked.

"It's a long complicated story" Ziggy said.

"You're not gonna let her go again, would you?" Joey questioned.

"No. I'm just letting her be at the moment" Ziggy said. "I'm letting her do her thing until she's ready to come back."

"I'm kinda confused" Joey replied. "You have to tell me everything that happened. I'll call you some time, okay? I'll better get back to work. My lunch break's over."

"Sure. Let's talk soon" he replied. "Take care!"

"You too."

Claire is in Los Angeles? Ziggy thought. What would she be doing there? Ziggy felt a little relieved that she's not in San Francisco anymore. But what if she was just visiting LA? Possibly with Keifer? He should be fully recovered by now. He shook the thought away.

"Bro, you okay to go back in the booth?" Blaster asked him, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah" Ziggy told him. "Can we start with the second verse? I want to change something."

"Sure thing" Blaster said and went back to the producer's chair. Ziggy entered the booth.

Ziggy spends most of his time at the studio with Blaster lately but when he can, he visits his building. The first thing that got completed was his dad's office. His mom's catering was just going through the finishing touches. The music school is almost finished also and his mom helped him made arrangements to get it up and running as soon as they can. She has a friend who's running a school that helped them. The builders are now mostly working on the recording studios and his home.

He visited the ninth floor which would be Claire's studio or gallery. She did mention she wants to have her own art school for little kids someday. She could do that if that's what she wants.

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