33 - Evasion

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"You got home really late last night" Zacharias said as Ziggy sat down for breakfast. "Were you with your friends?" he asked curiously while he sipped his coffee.

"Just Blaster" Ziggy answered and put some food on his plate. "Where's Mom?"

"She have an early event to cater" Zacharias said. "What was the occasion last night?"

"Nothing" Ziggy told him. "Blaster and I just talked."

"About music?" his dad asked.

"Mm-hmm" Ziggy muttered while chewing his pancakes.

"Your mom didn't mean to go through your stuff yesterday" Zacharias started. "She was just getting your laundry when she saw a notebook. She got curious and took a peak."

"Oh" Ziggy replied.

"We're so glad you are writing again" Zacharias said, patting his shoulder. "Your mom got teary-eyed."

Ziggy smiled at him. "Thanks, Dad."

His dad nodded at him and picked up his newspaper and read.

"Oh, by the way, Claire stopped by earlier" his dad told him. "She dropped something that Susana borrowed from Emily. She also wanted to show you something but you were still asleep."

"Why didn't you wake me?" Ziggy asked.

Zacharias just shrugged. "She didn't want to. She told me she'll just send a picture to you."

Ziggy sighed.

"What?" Zacharias asked curiously.

"Nothing" he answered and went back to eating.

When he went back to his room, he checked his phone immediately.

Claire had sent her a picture of an antique looking ukulele. It's very beautiful. He immediately fell in love with it.

"I saw this while driving to your house to return something Mama borrowed from your mom that she will use in her catering today. Immediately thought of you. I remember you mentioning there was this ukulele in that antique shop in London that the owner didn't want to sell you. Tell me if you want it and I'll come back to buy it for you" she said.

"It looks so cool. Just tell me where and I will buy it myself" Ziggy replied.

"Too late, I already bought it on my way back" Claire said.

"I'll pay you when we meet" he said.

"Nope. It's my gift to you" Claire answered. "You gave me Charlie so I feel like I need to get you something too."

"Who's Charlie?" Ziggy asked, confused.

"Oh, I named the plant you gave me hahaha" Claire replied.

"Cute name hahaha" Ziggy replied.

"I could take the ukulele to you later" Claire said. "I have a meeting at The Golden Eye later at 1PM."

Ziggy thought for a moment. He's not sure if it will be a great idea to see Claire now that he fully embraced the fact that he still loves her and wants her back.

"Uh, actually I'm on my way out now" Ziggy replied. "I'll go help Mom finish her catering."

"Bummer" Claire replied. "Just tell me when you want me to drop it off or you could just get it at our house."

"Alright" he said. "Thank you so much, Claire. I think I'm gonna name her Johanna."

"Okay hahaha" Claire replied. "I'll hold onto Johanna until you can come and fetch her hahaha."

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