Chapter 36

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Julia's POV:

It's been two days since Jon's accident and needless to say, he's been recovering pretty well! He still isn't awake yet, but me and Momma Kathryn are hoping that within the next day or two, he'll awake from his coma... That would be the best outcome that we are holding onto.

Speaking of Jon's mom though, I was currently on the phone with her! We both were about to go and visit Jon together which is nice. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be as strong in this situation as I am.

I don't know how she's managed to hold her composure throughout these rough two days- hell, when I came home from the first night of visiting him in the hospital, I could barely go to sleep without crying every three seconds. It took almost a whole season of Friends to pry my mind away from not having Jon in bed with me. Thankfully, that season of Friends had me laughing which felt nice rather than crying.

"Juli, honey, I'm fixing to head out, I'll see you in a few, okay?" Kathryn remarked kindly, shooting me out of my trance.

"Huh? Oh! Yeah, yeah, I'll see you there, bye," I replied hastily, soon ending our phone call.

I really wish today would be the faithful day that me and Momma Langston get to see our boy awake and talking, but I know that I'm wishing for too much so soon. Plus, the doctors have told us multiple times in the last few days that he and his brain need to heal. Which I respect that, but man, I miss him so much!

I had started to get ready and changed into my Jon t-shirt I got from his show earlier this year and a pair of biker shorts since it's pretty humid outside. I didn't bother to do any makeup since it was just going to be me and Jon's mom- same thing with my hair. Except with my hair, I just braided it in the messiest way known to mankind, but I didn't really care, we're just going to visit Jon.

It didn't take me long until I was out the door- but before I headed out, I filled the dogs' food and water bowls just to make sure they'd have plenty to eat and drink while I'm gone.

**She arrives at the hospital!**

I had gotten to the waiting room and decided to wait on Momma Langston to arrive up here so we could go into Jon's room together. Throughout the last couple of days, me and his mother have been becoming super, super close. Obviously, she's not close to replacing my own mom, but she truly has been the best shoulder to cry on during this rough situation.

"Hello, Juli!" She exclaimed, soon engulfing me into a gentle hug.

"Hey, Momma! It's good to see you again. You ready to go visit our boy?" I asked softly.

She nodded her head and the two of us started to head up to his ICU room until we almost bumped into a nurse who was going in the opposite direction as us. Whatever she's running for, it must be super serious!

That same nurse passed by us quickly and I then heard that someone had started to seize in the waiting room, which was kind of scary, but we ended up just going on about our business and enter the room Jon was in.

Momma Langston walked in first and I followed right behind her, where we saw Nurse Kennedy checking on his vitals. As soon as we walked in the room, she had just pulled the stethoscope away and wrapped it around her neck.

"Oh! Hi, guys! I was just checking in on Jon! I've got amazing news; his oxygen level is extraordinary, plus his heart rate has jumped up to a very healthy number as well! We're hoping that he wakes up in the next day or so," The nurse explained to us happily. "And his brain activity has been wild today too!"

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