Chapter 11

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Jon's POV:

I woke up with a headache, that's always the worst. It's definitely from a hangover, it wouldn't be the first time- at all, ha. While feeling around for my phone on my nightstand, I soon realized that it wasn't there. Where the fuck was it? And what the fuck even happened last night?

Oh fuck. No, no, no... Please don't tell me I had sex with my friend? Oh Jesus, save me... Maybe we didn't go that far- I'm still in my underwear, so we didn't go as far as us fucking around like I'm thinking.

But where the hell was the rest of our clothes at? I literally can't remember a damn thing that happened last night. How much did I even drink? My mind is a total blur this morning, for sure.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw where Julia was stirring up in bed and rubbing her eyes with the back of both of her hands.

"Uh, good mornin', Juli.." I smiled crookedly.

Hey, maybe Julia remembers more about last night than me. She probably didn't drink merely as much as me. Not too shabby of an idea; totally giving myself a pat on the back for the quick thinking.

"Good morning to you too, Jon... Do you think you can recall what happened last night?" She asked, smiling softly at me.

"Uh... Not exactly... Do you?" I grumbled while shuffling my way into the master bathroom.

"Jon... C'mon! You know exactly what happened last night. We made out, then took it up to the bedroom. Stop acting like you don't know, ya dummy. However, we were very close to having sex- I'm glad that didn't actually happen," Julia giggled, making a slight joke at our doings from last night.

Phew, at least we didn't actually fuck, that would've been so embarrassing, I wouldn't have wanted to look at myself in the mirror for a long period of time if had actually gone that far. Thankfully we aren't stripped completely nude, or that'd leave a lot of explaining to do.

After getting finished in the bathroom with my morning piss, I got out of the bathroom and Julia had swooped in quickly to take her turn. She was in there for about a moment or two until she then peeped her head through the door.

"Jon, hey! Do you mind if I use your shower do you?!" Juli yelled out.

I was busy in my closet so I almost didn't hear her, but then after piecing together the few words she had said, I quickly answered, "Mind if I join you?"

"Ooh, that's pretty hot, dont'cha think? However, yes, I'd love it if you joined me," She giggled seductively.

Dammit, now I added more fuel to the fire... Either we've got to make this shit official between the two of us, or we stop doing our suggestive things, because this is starting to get out of hand as the days and nights pass on.

A sigh surpassed my lips and there I was walking into the bathroom to obviously take a shower with Juli. I mean, it saves water so perhaps we're doing something good, right?

Once in the master bathroom, my face was met with her back. Damn, she already had the water running to get warmed up and everything. That was quick; kudos to her for getting all of this prepared in a short manner of time.

I smiled as I leaned against the door, waiting for her to get in first, "Ya know what they say, ladies first.."

"Alright, sounds good to me, honey. Are you sure you're okay with doing this? You don't have to..." Julia mumbled to me softly as she got in the shower and squealed, the noise she made echoing throughout the whole room of the bathroom.

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