Chapter 6

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Jon's POV:

"Honey, are you alright? You seem kind of quiet," My mom asked as she set a plate of cookies down in front of me.

"I'm okay, Ma, thank you for asking. I'm just going through a lot right now. But thank you for making these! They look and smell amazing! I'm sure they taste just as amazing, just like always," I smiled at my mother as she set the oven mitts back where she had gotten them from.

"Of course, honey! You know I'd do anything for you and your brothers! What type of mother do you think I am?" She asked with a small laugh.

"Very true, Mom, very true. You're the best mother in the whole wide world, duh! Speaking of my little brothers, I know that they would agree with what I said," I laughed as I ate a cookie she made; they tasted the exact same, just like always.

Ugh, her food is the best. I love my mom's cooking. I need her secrets, because this kind of good food is something I want to eat more often than not. Homemade cooking is always the best!

"Aww, honey! I'm super glad they are good! You know I'd come by every single day of the week just to make these for you?" She smiled as she sat down next to me.

"Oh, I'm sure you would. It's probably just an excuse just for you to visit your ever-loving son, also known as me!" I laughed, smiling as she had taken a seat beside me.

"I know you are getting tired of me pestering you, but you genuinely look like you have a lot on your mind. Do you need to talk about anything at all?" My mom asked as she rubbed her thumb carefully on my scruffy cheek.

How in the hell am I supposed to tell my mom that I met this new girl at my meet and greet, and I kind of like her? Then on top of that stuff, I really don't want to tell her the pain I'm going through with my ex-girlfriend? Parents- and my feelings are just so damn confusing!

"Uh, no, I'm fine, Mama, I promise. Just kind of tired to be honest. Last night was pretty long," I lied, biting down on my lip.

"Aw, honey! That's too bad, here, let me get you a pillow and blanket to put on the..." My mom trailed off as she noticed there was already a pillow and blanket on the couch.

Oh. Shit. I. Need. To. Make. Up. A. Lie. And. Fast.

"Did someone spend the night, baby?" She asked calmly.

"No, Mom... I had all that out when I took a nap yesterday," I smiled as I tried not to panic. Why was I even going to panic? Oh wait- because it was Juli who slept on the couch last night, not me...

"Oh, okay! I wasn't getting on to you or anything, sweetie, I promise. I was just curious. Don't be so defensive," She laughed as I shrugged, walking my way into the living room as I then laid down on the couch.

Thank heavens that she bought that lie! I hate lying to my parents and anyone in general, but sometimes you've gotta do what you've gotta do. Life gives you those kind of ultimatums, I've learned this the hard way, haha, oops.

"Okay, have a nice nap, sweetie. I'll see you this weekend!" My mom stated kindly as she kissed my cheek and walked out the front door.

"Well shit! I might as well take this nap. I deserve it.. I think," I laughed to myself as I then drifted off to sleep...

Julia's POV:

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