Chapter 34

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Jon's POV:

"It's so beautiful here... I can see why football was your passion," Julia remarked as she glanced at the sideline of the football field.

We were at my high school! I was showing Julia where I played football at in my teen years. I was able to pull some strings and enter the building/school grounds. Ha, just kidding! I was able to get in contact with one of the principals here and they allowed me to come in to sightsee for old time's sake.

I held Julia's hand tightly and smiled softly in response to her comment, "Hell, football still is my passion... It's just in a different way now.. It's wild that all of those injuries led me into music and then my music led me to doing a show in Atlanta, and that show led me to you.."

Blush appeared across Julia's face after I somewhat spilled out my feelings to her. Her smile grew from ear to ear which made me smile in return.

"I'm so proud of you; even though football didn't work out like you wanted it to, it led you into endeavors that you were made for," She mentioned quietly as her eyes soon were focused on the bleachers.

The biggest smile crept onto my face and a laugh escaped from my lips, "That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever told me. Like, no joke."

She clung onto my arm tightly and shook her head, "No way! I'm sure you've heard sweeter things than that. I'm just being honest!"

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Eh, I'm kind of serious."

Julia had playfully shoved my shoulder and scoffed, "Oh my God, you're so stubborn!"

She isn't wrong, I'm as stubborn as a mule, haha. However, she's just as stubborn as I am, so she can't really say anything.

"Let's just hope little Marigold don't gain our stubbornness," I remarked teasingly which gained an angry look from Juli.

"Shut up! You are more hard-headed than I ever could think to be. If she gets just an ounce of your stubbornness, I'm gonna be so mad!" Julia exclaimed with a laugh.

If she gets an ounce of Julia's sassiness... Oh Lord, I don't know what I'll do then. I'll probably go insane, haha. Two girls being sassy with me in the same house? Sounds like hell going to break loose.

We had walked around the football field for quite some time until the sun had started to go down and the two of us headed back to the parking lot.

Once in the truck, we got buckled in and I started to drive back to my childhood home. It wasn't too long of a drive from the school. The ride back home was silent except for the radio playing quietly in the background.

The silence was bugging me, so I finally broke it. That was until I realized that Julia was looking out the window, her face as red as can be.

"Julia?!" I yelled out anxiously.

I roughly hit the brakes and that made her finally notice me as tears were streaming down her cheeks.

She was crying- having a huge meltdown. The fact that she was crying this hard had me worried as all get-out.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked softly.

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