Chapter 21

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Jon's POV:

About an hour or two ago, we finally got back to my house from the mall. Thank heavens! That girl sure loves to shop- I never knew how tiring shopping could be, to be honest...

After the Yankee Candle store, we hit up about five other stores, meaning that both of our hands were full by the time we were going to the exit doors. The silver lining of all of this is that she let me have the Bayside Cedar scented candle, which was very kind of Juli to do! It smells really, really nice which is a lot coming from a guy who doesn't know a single lick about candles. Perhaps investing in more candles for my house wouldn't be so horrible after all.

Currently, Julia was in the bathroom to do a whole fashion show or whatever to show off what all the outfits looked like that she had bought from the various stores we had gone to in the mall. The amount I had spent on that woman is frightening- only joking, but there were some big totals at most of the stores. Nonetheless, we all got a little something something that we wanted and we splurged, which isn't always a bad thing.

It was taking her an extra long time to change. Hopefully, she's okay and hasn't gone plundering through any of my stuff in the bathroom. There isn't much in the downstairs bathroom that she can really peek and plunder through, but still. Maybe she wouldn't be that nosy or anything horrible like that. That wouldn't be something she'd do, so there's a slim chance she is looking through stuff.

Speaking of the devil though, there came Julia walking out of the bathroom and into the living room near the couch where me and Whitley were sitting at. The second my eyes locked on her and one of the many outfits she tried on, it almost felt as if I was going to start drooling.

Damn, okay, this woman is beyond beautiful, yes, but these outfits only add to her beauty. What I wouldn't give to just have my hands all over that girl's body like I was doing last night- wait a damn minute! What even am I saying?

Again, that's so unlike me. There's that unknown side that Juli brings out of me; ain't that something? She brings out all these sides I didn't even know existed inside of me. That's both a dangerous and very interesting thing all at the same time.

I whistled at her, clapping my hands together after seeing her spin around to show off the two piece outfit she bought from one of the clothing stores we had went in at the mall.

The outfit was white and it had fringe on both the top and skirt; it looked very beautiful! It suited her perfect, hourglass body frame. Not to mention that the white color suited her sun-kissed skin. Her tanned skin for some reason is just so damn beautiful to me..

"Damn, baby girl! You must like spinning in that outfit, yeah?" I asked, my eyes glued on Julia and her first outfit she was showing off for the day.

Juli laughed and blushed profusely, "It looks better when I'm spinning, so yes! Does the fringe look okay on me? I feel like it's overwhelming and a lot to look at.."

The only answer to that question is no! It didn't look overwhelming or whatever she was saying. It suits her more than she can see. That outfit wasn't only beautiful, but it was so, so damn perfect, just like Julia! However, maybe she won't wear that tomorrow night whenever we go to my parents' house for the dinner we agreed on a while back.

Reasoning on why I mention that is because she bought some other nicer outfits that she could totally rock for tomorrow night, in my opinion, obviously! It's a casual family dinner, nothing fancy or formal. But any time after that, hell yeah! She can wear what she wants when she wants and that'd be just fine with me. No controlling anyone coming from me. Let everyone wear what they want, it isn't my life, so it shouldn't bother me!

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