Chapter 3

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Jon's POV:

It was the next morning... Someway, somehow, I ended up back at my house in Nashville...

"What happened last night?" I groaned to myself as I got up off the couch.

I saw where my belongings ended up. They were on my coffee table. So I hurriedly reached for my phone to check the time. It was only ten-thirty in the morning. Yikes, I slept in a little too late.

What the hell? Two unread messages from Julia? Who in the- oh, wait... That's the girl I met in the meet and greet last night... What the hell did I do after the show, and meet and greet last night though?

To get myself to wake up a bit, I walked into my kitchen and got myself a cold, refreshing glass of water and I went to my bathroom where I proceeded to grab a bottle of painkillers out of the medicine cabinet and took them. Man, this heavily drinking thing I've been doing sure does need to stop. I don't know how many more mornings I can wake up asking what did I do the previous night... That's a big yikes on my part.

Maybe I should text the Julia girl back. No! She'll definitely think I am too attached right off the bat. She wouldn't actually think that about me, right? Man, I sure hope not. I don't want to ruin the newly blooming friendship between the two of us. She's an amazing woman so far, I cannot mess this up! Under any circumstance, or I will kick myself harder than ever before in my life.

She's a special woman, that I do know. And she is hilarious! Love me a girl with humor! Yes sir, she's gearing up to being a cool ass chick, no lie on that. Maybe I haven't scared her away because of my fame status or anything. That's the least of my intentions, ya know? It'd kill me if I ran a girl off because of the extra added fame to my name.

Julia's POV:

I woke up in my bed as I looked at my alarm clock that was on the bedside table. The clock read ten forty-five in the morning.

"What? How did I get back home?" I asked myself as I got up off my bed gently so I wouldn't wake up my dog, Dolly. Dolly Pawton, get it because it's supposed to sound like Dolly Parton, haha. I thought it was cute and iconic! And my mom thinks it's funny, which is always a good thing right?

Holy shit! I texted Jon last night like two or three different times. He probably thinks I'm some weirdo stalker or something. I hope that isn't the case for him, but I tend to scare away guys because I come off a bit too strong. It sucks, that's for damn sure. Maybe that was the problem between me and my ex-boyfriend, Trent. I must've been too much on him, because he cheated on me multiple times... Ouch, that hurts to even admit. The wound is still too fresh for me, y'know?

Ugh, I still cannot believe I texted Jon though early this morning. Best case scenario is that he didn't see it so I can quickly delete the messages because wow! They sure are embarrassing, not going to lie. Wow, that is so abnormal of me to do that kind of stuff. What got into me last night? Must've been all the alcohol I consumed. I'll just call it like it is, haha.


1:30 am - Thanks for bringing me out for drinks tonight, I'm gonna try and get some sleep, love u.

3:15 am - Hey I know u might be asleep, but I really wanted to say, I loved hanging out with u tonite, we have to do it again sometime. Oh and btw, thank you for the tips on how to get famous in Nashville, I appreciate you a lot, Jon. xo 😘

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