Chapter 29

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Julia's POV:

Today, I'm just so dang sad.. That's just one of the many emotions that this pregnancy makes me feel daily, almost hourly. Not to mention that Jon isn't here to soothe me through any of these feelings.. He's currently at the studio writing and recording all sorts of songs... At least, that's what we can only hope for!

So the only ones who were at home that could comfort me was Whitley and Dolly. There's nothing like a dog's love, so perhaps they can get me out of the sour, sad slump I've been in for the past two hours.

That gave me a brilliant idea! I can take the dogs out walking.. Some fresh air is what me and those pups could use. Especially being stuck in this house all day, we could definitely use some sunshine and nice summer air.

I threw my hair in a messy bun, put on a pair of gray leggings, an oversized Fleetwood Mac t-shirt, and my pink Adidas shoes. There was no reason for me to get dressed up all cutesy-like if I'm only taking the dogs out for a walk, so looking a little bit of a trainwreck isn't going to kill me.

After getting ready and somewhat presentable, I went into the pantry near the kitchen and grabbed out the leashes for both dogs. There was a black one that was for Whitley, and then a pink one for Dolly.

"You guys ready to go for a walk?!" I questioned the two dogs, knowing good and well that they wouldn't answer back.

They barked in response, so they had to have said yes in dog language to my question! Hell, I'll take it as a yes any day of the week.

After attaching both of the leashes to their separate collars, all three of us headed out of the front door and we began our walk. I looked down on my left wrist to see my Apple Watch had read the time as it being 3:45. There's only two more hours until J gets home- yay! That is so super exciting! We're supposed to be going bowling after he gets off work from the studio; if he's feeling up to it, of course.

If it was okay, I'd actually go out in the same clothes as I'm wearing now to the bowling alley.. However, I highly doubt an oversized t-shirt, messy bun, and leggings aren't appropriate when it comes to going out and about, but we'll see how I'm feeling when that time comes and if a change of clothes will be necessary.

**Julia gets done walking the dogs and Jon gets home!**

As soon as me and the dogs got done walking around the block a few times, we got back to the house and right as we did, Jon had just pulled into the driveway.

I decided to meet him outside of his truck and as soon as I did that, his smile grew from ear to ear. Oh my God... He is the cutest! His smile literally melted my freaking heart! If our baby looks like him, that would be pretty dang amazing.

"Well, hey there!" I greeted him with a kiss and a tight hug.

Jon gave me a sweet smile, "Hey, Mamas. And hey, little baby! Dada's finally home!"

I laughed and smiled down at my growing tummy, "I think Baby Langa missed you a lot more! He or she has been kicking a lot today."

"Aww, baby, really? That is so sweet!" Jon replied happily. "Are ya still up for goin' bowling today?"

I nodded my head to give him an answer. Oh my God, he remembered that we're going out on a bowling date! Yay!

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