Chapter 26

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*we're back in the present time in this chapter; enjoy, loves! 💓*

Jon's POV:

It's been two weeks since I got the biggest news of my life; there's going to be a baby on the way! I'm scared and nervous, but at the same time, I'm super freaking pumped like no one would believe- not even Julia! It's all do exciting and I'm stoked for the baby to come. These nine months have to hurry up, haha.

Speaking of Julia though, she has been pretty chill and mellowed out for the most part with the pregnancy, however it's still pretty early on in her first trimester, so who knows how the other two are going to make her feel. Either way, she'll have me by her side, no matter what!

"How are you and baby Langa doin' this mornin'?" I asked while sitting right beside Juli on the bed.

"They are doing okay and I'm just tired. Thank you for asking, love."

I laughed softly as I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her softly. I kissed all over her face to get some sort of reaction out of her- it worked, spoiler alert.

"You hugging and kissing on me isn't going to make me want to do the nasty, if that's what you're thinking," Julia laughed and slapped me on my arm.

"Damn, those pregnancy hormones are comin' in strong this a.m., am I right?" I asked, laughing awkwardly.

I immediately regretted asking that because the next thing I know, I was getting hit in the head with one of the throw pillows that was on the bed.

Yikes, I mean, it could've been one of the softer pillows we have on the bed, but no! She woke up and chose violence today, I assume, ha.

"Take back your words or I'll hurt you with this pillow," She laughed again as she continued hitting me with the throw pillow.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry! Oh, and to little squirt, I'm sorry to you as well," I exclaimed while laughing and throwing my hands up in surrender.

"We forgive you, baby," Julia smiled from ear to ear. "I'm so excited to find out the gender of our baby so we can call them an actual name rather than Langa- the nickname is cool and all, but damn; I can't deal with two of you!

"Hey, that's my nickname! Don't take it in vain," I chuckled.

"Don't be such a crybaby! I'm used to calling you Langa, not a whole baby as well!" Juli fired back quickly.

I rolled my eyes while getting off the bed and going through my closet to find some clothes for the day, "Babe, what should I wear today?"

Julia soon picked out an outfit for me and it looked pretty nice. I was digging it! However, she forgot one major detail about my outfit; the hat, of course!

"Yeah, I like that a whole bunch and everything, let me go pu- wait a damn minute! Let me get my Ozora Farms hat, I cannot forget about that!"

"Why do you never go without a hat?" Julia asked curiously as she watched me place the hat on top of my head.

"I don't know. Hats have always been my thing for as long as I can remember.. That's besides the point though; what do you think? Do I look alright?" I asked hesitantly as I had put the outfit and hat on.

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