Chapter 16

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Julia's POV:

It was finally Wednesday! It was pretty early in the morning so I had plenty of time to get ready and calm my nerves about the date tonight. Thankfully, I had my best friend, Taylor, at my place to work her hair and makeup magic so I could look good for the night.

"So what time is he supposed to be picking you up at, Ju Ju boo?" Taylor asked as we both went up to my bedroom.

"Honestly, I have no idea! I'm freaking out! What do I wear? I need to figure that out too! I'm not going out in sweatpants!" I shook my head as I began to panic about every minor thing.

"Hey, calm your tits, Julia! Look, how about you wear this outfit? It looks cute! Oh, and these heels, well you already know they are to die for!" Taylor grabbed the clothing and heels out of my closet, settling them on my bed.

"I like that- no, wait, I love that outfit, I'll go on ahead and put it on because I'm way too excited!" I giggled as I kindly made Taylor get out of my room so I could put on the two piece and shoes.

I put on a pair of lingerie as a surprise, and then quickly put on the outfit that Taylor picked out for me, then I strapped on the heels that she also picked out. I must admit, the whole outfit made me look really great.

Honestly, I thought I looked pretty nice, I sure hope Jon thinks the same. So to see his reaction and hear his thoughts on what my outfit looked like, I grabbed my phone and took a quick, sultry selfie, sending it to him.

Hopefully he likes the selfie. Goodness, I've never been this way toward a man before. It's definitely a bit out of my comfort zone, but sometimes it's a healthy thing to jump out of your comfort zone and do something crazy that you've never done before. Now's my chance!

Taylor walked back into the room after I was dressed up and she gasped, "Holy moly, girl! You could make a straight girl turn sexualities! You're going to knock him off of his feet tonight." 

"Oh my God, Tay!" I giggled. "Now, then it's time to do my hair and makeup, then I have to play the waiting game, which I'm not too fond of."

"Ju Ju, boo, you're so impatient," Taylor laughed as she shook her head.

She went to do my hair, straightening it carefully. She took cosmetology classes when we were in college, so Taylor did learn a whole bunch about makeup, hair, and all stuff with beauty. It definitely helps me out a ton as I am a noob when it comes to makeup and hair stuff, haha.

"Now it's time to do your makeup! This is my most favorite part!" Taylor squealed as she got my makeup bag out of the drawer that's in the bathroom.

She then got out all the makeup she was going to use on my face and she put it on, blending it all on my face oh so perfectly! Man, she should do work for celebrities on the red carpet and for them in general because Tay is literally that talented!

"It's getting closer and closer to time!" I squealed as I looked at myself in the mirror.

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