*Chapter Sixty*

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Everything passed by Miri in a blur. She didn't remember the rest of her evening with Todoroki, didn't remember coming back to the dorms, and she certainly didn't remember sitting down on her bed and grabbing the piece of paper her father gave her from the drawer.

She blinked slowly, trying to claw her way through the murky depths that were her emotions.

'I'm numb.' The thought bounced around in her head.

"How could..." Her voice was thick, but not from crying. No, she couldn't find a single tear inside of her body for this man. All she could find was anger that was so overwhelmingly powerful, the only way it conveyed itself is just by pure numbness. "How could somebody not love their child?"

She asked herself that same question on repeat. It echoed in her mouth and her head. She couldn't find an answer. Couldn't find anything inside of her to excuse the man who she called a father.

'It just...never ends, does it?' Miri stared down at the paper in her hands. 'I never catch a break, no matter the environment, no matter what I do. It's just...nothing will stop until I'm finally broken beyond repair.'

The whispers weren't even whispers anymore. Loud screams, consistent wailing echoed in Miri's head, and they were almost perfect representations of her exact emotions at that moment.

She wanted to let go. She was tired of being angry. Tired of being sad. Tired of being tired.

She lifted the piece of paper higher. 'It doesn't matter what is on this paper anymore. Whatever words he could say to me won't change anything now. If I ever see this man again...'

"I'll kill him myself." She whispered.


Todoroki stepped out of his room, closing the door behind him.

'This is it. There is no holding back with her anymore. I can't do it. It's painful to be with her and not know how we truly felt about each other. I don't even care if she rejects me. It won't stop me from caring about her. Not now, not ever.' He walked down the hall to her room.

He knocked on her door. Once. Twice.

He narrowed his eyes. Miri hasn't left her room at all this entire night. Did she fall asleep?

He grabbed the knob of her door, but immediately retracted his hand in shock.

'It's ice cold...' His eyes widened, and he flung open her door.

The room was empty, but a ghostly current of air flew over Todoroki's face, much similar to back at the U.S.J. and Miri used her Darkness quirk to defeat a villain.

The balcony door was wide open and Todoroki rushed forward, frantically searching the dark outside.

He growled, not seeing any sign of her anywhere. "MIRI!"

He turned around, ready to bolt downstairs and get everyone on the search, but he spotted a piece of paper laid out on her bed.

Todoroki snatched it off the bedding, fingers working carefully to flatten the note. He angled it in the moonlight and read word-for-word what the paper had to say.

The blood seemed to drain from his face. He dropped the note to the floor and made a break for the stairs.


"Wow." Kaminari muttered, looking outside. All the trees were bending harshly against a sudden wind that started up. "It's so dark and windy out there. I don't remember there being a storm."

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