*Chapter Fifty-Seven*

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"Are you sure you don't want to come back to my place? Fuyumi would be more than happy to have you over." Todoroki stood on the massive sidewalk leading to Miri's house.

Miri stared up at the grand estate. Living there after everything that happened seemed pointless. All this room for only one person? It didn't sit right with her.

But she needed to see it. One last time. It felt ritualistic to stay one last night in the house before they put it on the market. She doubted many people would buy it because of who owned it previously, but she knew at least the rooms in it would be put to good use if someone did. It was sad to see it go, but it was needed for Miri to move on.

"No." Miri sighed. "I need this. I need to say goodbye to it all properly."

Todoroki looked as if he wanted to say more, but nodded his head. "I understand. You're always welcome at my house. At least, by my siblings and I."

Miri raised an eyebrow. "Tell your dad I said hi." She smirked to herself, but sighed. "And I guess thank him for letting me stay."

"I will never say thank you to my father for anything. I don't expect you to either." He stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked back to the car.

Miri watched him drive off, before sliding the key into the lock and opening the new doors.

The house was just the same as it always was. Empty. Lifeless. But it felt weird to Miri. Her mom was arrested, but part of her still seemed to live in the halls. But now that she's locked away for the rest of her life, all of that was gone. The house really was empty.

It was the saddest thing to experience for Miri.

She shuffled through the rooms, making it to the living room. She eased herself on to the couch and stared at the fireplace. The logs had since died, leaving a burnt hunk of wood in its place. Rather than relighting it, she stared at the wood, finally allowing herself to think of everything that happened.


'Todoroki and I have seemed to have got so close to each other lately. It feels so nice, but I'm still scared to tell him how I feel. I know Fuyumi encouraged me to do it, but I just can't help but worry that it'll ruin everything between us.' Miri stood up, beginning to pace. 'And...there's my mother. I can't even force myself to be sad. Just...relieved.' Miri stopped, feeling the tears burning her eyes. She angrily rubbed at her face. 'Why can't I be sad about her being locked up!? It's normal to be sad! And...' The tears came at full force after that. 'She said she loved me. Oh my god, she said she loved me.'

Miri had been waiting for years to hear those words come from her mother's mouth. She fought so desperately to hear them. But now that she has? Now that she may never hear it again?

'I couldn't find it in me to say it back. There was no happiness at the words out of her mouth. Eight years I waited for them and now that I have them and I may never hear them again? I can't feel sad. I can't feel happy. I just feel...'

"Numb. I feel numb." Miri whispered, collapsing to her knees.

She consoled herself on the ground, trembling from tears. 'Why can't I catch a break? Why can't something good, something real, just happen? I'm so tired of crying and wishing things were different. Why can't I find peace?' She curled her fist. 'Now my father is here. He knows where I am. I have no choice but to stand and face him. I don't have the luxury of running anymore like mother did. This is real, and this is now.'

There was a swift but firm knock on her door.

Miri froze, concerned for who would be on the other side. 'Go away. Please, just go away. I can't take it anymore. I can't handle another thing happening.' Miri stared at the floor, hearing the usually dormant whispers in her head almost screaming. Her head pounded as each word tolled throughout her brain.

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