*Chapter Fifty*

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When the dust cleared, Miri noticed the debris had missed them all. She pushed herself up, seeing she had grabbed Kirishima and Yaoyorozu on her way down. The other three boys were standing up, looking at her weirdly.

"Was it necessary to smother me?" Kirishima looked at the broken horns that were part of his disguise. "My horns..."

"I didn't know what would happen! Mt. Lady isn't exactly the neatest Pro-Hero." She looked around at everyone, who still stared at her. "Okay. Fine. I'll just let everyone get crushed next time, damn." She helped the two of them up.

The group watched the Pro Heroes move into the scene. Police were scattered around, looking for any clues. The group was extra cautious to remain unseen.

Miri felt the hair on her arm stand up. She looked around the area, not seeing anything that stood out to her. What was it that was sending her darkness off? Surely it's not still trying to notify her of Mt. Lady or any of the other Pro Heroes, right? She remained quiet to avoid being made fun of again, but also prevent a possibly unnecessary panic.

"Well, it seems the Pro Heroes beat us to the punch." Iida muttered. "We should return home. I think this has been enough excitement for the night."

"They mentioned there were two teams." Midoriya watched as Mt. Lady pulled two Nomu out. "'All Might's Team'. That must be where Kacchan is."

There was a tug in her gut so violent it almost made her puke. A cold sweat broke out on her body. Breathing became difficult. Nothing has ever set her darkness off like this before.

"If All Might is involved, then we really have nothing to worry about now." Yaoyorozu smiled. "Let's just go home like Iida said."

Miri doubled over. "Guys-"

A cruel voice cut throughout the night, causing seemingly all noise to stop. Not a bird chirped. Not a car drove past. Nobody even seemed to breathe.

"Ever since I've been reduced to this...I haven't been able to stock up as many quirks as before."

Icy fear raced up Miri's body as every hair stood on edge. Her knees felt weak as she sank to the ground. The whispers that had grown in her head seemed to hush almost immediately. The darkness had left her body.

It never did that unless something had stronger control over it than her, or if something was so terrifying, even the darkness never wanted to touch it.

The only thing Miri could hear was the roaring sound of her blood pumping through her body. Her heart was an erratic spasm in her chest. She knew if she didn't get herself under control now, an adrenaline rush would surely occur.

Now would be the worst time for that.

'One. Two.' She chanted in her head, trying desperately to breathe around all the fear growing in her body. She couldn't move, couldn't look away from the ground. All she could do was try to focus on herself.

None of them could see what was happening. All they could do was listen as some of the strongest heroes in the world were beat within one singular move.

"Your strength comes from training and experience." The cruel voice muttered. "But I don't believe I need it. Your quirk would not suit Tomura."

'I have to get everyone away from here.' Miri felt her body shake. 'Even if my adrenaline rushes are a one-time deal, maybe they can be useful to get my friends to safety.' She attempted to move her body, but found it unresponsive. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes. 'I need to save everyone...my body won't move.'

A strange squishing noise filled the air. Somebody was coughing. Then, "This stuff...stinks. What was that?"

'That voice...' In the split moment of surprise, Miri found the strength to snap her head up and finally look up at everyone else. Their faces mirrored hers in fear and surprise. 'It's Bakugo...'

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