*Chapter Thirty-Five*

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Miri sat at her desk, twirling her pencil around in her fingers.

Having just got their scores back, Miri let her mind stew in mild disappointment with herself.

'Seven out of twenty-one? I could've done worse. But I also know I could've done better.' She slipped her paper into her backpack and stood up.

"Hey, Miri." Midoriya smiled at her. "You did really well on the first part of the exam."

She smiled back. "Yeah, I should have studied harder though. I guess there's always room for improvement." She rubbed her face. "This practical exam has me a little worried, not going to lie."

"Me too. I keep thinking about it. I don't know what they could have in store for us." He rubbed the back of his neck.

From the corner of her eye, Miri saw Todoroki walking over to them. A small smile found its way on to her face as she looked over to him. Her cheeks grew a little red.

"If you two want, I wouldn't mind tutoring you for the practical exam?" He looked at them both.

Miri's cheeks turned even more red. Her hands found their way to her face to hide the color. "That sounds... nice of you!" Her voice came out a little squeaky. "But you don't have to...not that I don't appreciate it or anything! I just don't want you to take time out of your schedule to-"

Todoroki looked at her with soft eyes. "I get it, Miri."

Midoriya looked between the two of them, a weird look on his face. Uraraka came up beside him and stood on her toes to whisper in his ear. His face had turned red with her just being that close to him, but hearing what she said only made him turn brighter.

"Uhm..." His voice cracked out, rather hoarse. "Iida already offered to help tutor me. Yeah." His lips were pressed thin as Uraraka elbowed him. "Sorry! You guys can just study together. Alone." Another jab. "I mean not anything weird like that."

If Miri could die, she would right then.

A quick cough escaped Todoroki. Studying alone with Miri? That would be interesting. "That's not a problem. Do you mind if it's just us, Miri?" He finally turned to look at her.

Miri found it hard to breathe.

"Miri doesn't mind, she's just a little stressed right now and finding it hard to be vocal about her needing help. Right, Miri?" Uraraka gave the white-and-black-haired girl a toothy smile.

Miri could only nod, her face burning. Her mouth seemed to fill with cotton, and she patted her cheeks, trying to cool herself down. With mechanical movements, she began packing her things up and made a beeline for the exit.

"Wait, Miri!" Todoroki called, but then sighed, realizing she was long gone. "We didn't set a date-" He pursed his lips in thought.

'A date...' He began packing his things up.


Miri walked through the large door of her house. It had been quiet these past few days. Many servants and maids were all fired during Nightmare's panicked frenzy, leaving just Miri and her in the house.

Miri trudged up the stairs to her room, listening to the empty echoes of her footsteps.

'This place almost seems creepy with how empty it is now...I wonder if she'll ever hire anyone again?' She pushed open the door of her room, slinging her bookbag on her bed. She hopped up there, lounging back and deciding to scroll through her phone.

Her phone let off a soft ding, a different ringtone from her usual texts from Midoriya and Uraraka. Her eyes zoomed in on the sender of the message. In a fit of happiness, she tapped it.

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