*Chapter Fifty-Four*

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The day of the trial had finally arrived. Miri was an anxious ball of nerves as she stood in the main lobby with Midoriya, Iida, Uraraka, Kirishima, and Todoroki.

"Bakugo was supposed to be here." Kirishima looked around.

"I'd be more worried about if he showed up. He's not exactly known for being the most respectful person." Uraraka sighed.

Todoroki was nicely dressed in a button-up shirt and pants. Miri stood beside him, having been forced into a dress by Uraraka. She constantly tugged on the material.

"Stop pulling on it, you will make it bunch up." Todoroki swatted at her hands.

"It feels like it already is!" Miri hissed. She played with her fingers then, not knowing exactly what to do with them now that they tied her hair up.

"You're being dramatic." He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"And you're being a butt-hole." She crossed her arms.

Through the crowd of people, there was a familiar face making their way over to the group.

"Sensei Aizawa!" Miri felt a small bit of relief flow back into her. She looked behind him to see he was dragging Bakugo. "And uh..."

"Not much time to explain." He pushed Bakugo towards them. "I need you, you, you, and you." He pointed at Miri, Bakugo, Todoroki, and Midoriya. "To prepare to take the stand."

"To WHAT!?" They exclaimed.

"I may not be the lawyer representing your mother, but I know the guy who is. I mentioned you all to him, so he may or may not call you up there. You need to be prepared for that when they do." He looked between the group of students gathered in front of him. "I want no shenanigans. I want no acting out. If you interrupt the court even once, I will expel you from U.A. without hesitation. Are we clear?"

"We are." Miri looked at him, concerned. "Sensei, why are you so unhinged?"

"I just got word they will push for the death penalty." He thrusted his hands out, watching Miri nearly faint. "Hold your breakfast." He took a deep breath. "There will be a lie-detector there. This is crucial, but I need you all to tell the truth no matter what. The truth is what will save Nightmare's life. Are we clear?"

Todoroki was supporting Miri's body. The girl nearly collapsed at the news. He pulled her in front of him.

"You're better than this." He rubbed her arms.

"I don't know if I can do this..." She whispered.

"Yes, you can. You're Mirianne Shotomoto. Let nothing decide what you can and can't do. You knocked a Nomu on its ass. You saved a whole caravan of women and children. You even looked death in the eyes. A trial that you're almost guaranteed to win? This would be a walk in the park for you."

Miri took several deep breaths. "Okay. Okay." She stood tall. "I'm so nervous, Todoroki."

His eyes flickered down before meeting hers again. "Call me Shoto."


"Call me Shoto from now on." He released her.

"Why are we discussing this now?" Miri asked.

"I don't know, are you still nervous?" He shifted his feet.

"Oh my god, will the two of you just shut the fuck up?" Bakugo growled.


When finally sitting in the courtroom, Miri finally got to see her mother for the first time in about a week.

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