*Chapter Forty-Four*

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Before Miri even opened her eyes, she felt a pounding sensation in her head. The pain was nauseating, her stomach twisting in different knots.

'That's what I get for letting my adrenaline rushes go too far.' She moved her tongue around in her mouth, which felt dry and thick from dehydration.

She lifted her head, squinting her eyes. The urge to puke grew stronger, and she stopped moving, taking several deep breaths.

"Well, good morning, sleeping beauty." Hibiki crouched in front of her, grabbing her chin. "Beauty might be a stretch. You look rough."

Miri moved to smack his hand away, but found her arms were tied behind her back. She felt sluggish and couldn't focus enough to activate her quirk and break her restraints.

"What did you do to me?" She pushed out, low and quiet.

"That's not important." He tossed a syringe aside. "I couldn't have you busting free, now could I? It makes my life easier when you're more compliant."

"What do you want from me?" She glared at him.

"Interesting question. Obviously I want to kill you, but first I want to have some fun. You see, I'm not an idiot. I know your mom is looking for you as we speak. She's high on my list too, so I see it as a two birds with one stone situation." He stood up, looking out a window.

"You're insane."

"That's a subjective statement." He then stood above her. He rubbed his face. "I think of myself as a misunderstood artist."

"I'll paint the floor with the skid marks of your ass." Miri jerked the bindings, almost puking.

"That was kind of funny, but not a very heroic thing for you to say." He cocked his head. "If you weren't a wannabe hero, you wouldn't be a horrible accomplice. Too bad you couldn't be more like your father."

Miri's blood ran cold. "My father? You know my father?"

"Who doesn't know your father?" He laughed without humor. "Of everything he's done, he might as well be a villain." He crouched in front of her again. "Your mom? Nightmare? She's only feared because she's powerful. Did you know your mom has killed no one? In fact, I don't really know why your mom is a villain. Power alone shouldn't get the fear she brings. There are so many others who deserve it more."

"What does that have to do with my father?" Miri seethed.

"For having such good test scores, you really are dumb." He stood up again. "Unlike your mother, your father isn't afraid to get his hands dirty."

Her mind began racing. "My father has killed people?"

Hibiki cocked his head. "Do you really not know?"

"Quit playing games and tell me what you know!" Miri growled, but cringed. Her head throbbed again.

Hibiki smiled and stood up. "Dear old daddy..." He laughed, lifting his arms in the air. He spun on his heel. "Is a drug lord." He folded his hands behind his back. "He's a con artist. A snitch. A dirtbag. Deadbeat. Murderer. Thief. The list goes on." He stopped and smiled at her. "You have some wonderful parents."

Miri stared at him. She knew her dad was messed up, but was Hibiki telling the truth? "Why should I believe anything you say?"

"Who would you believe? Your mom? The media? Your dad was a hero for a few short years, and then he had an accident, right? His shady dealings caused that accident. With or without his 'hero' title, your dad was always a piece of shit." Hibiki shrugged. "But he had a lot of power. Both with his quirk, and his control."

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