*Chapter Fifty-One*

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It was late into the night. The group of students sat at the train station, waiting for the last train to take them home.

Miri yawned. Yaoyorozu had already fallen asleep on her shoulder, and Miri was being extra cautious to avoid waking her up.

Her mind swirled with the battle between All Might and All For One. Seeing All Might in such a weakened state...it sent a weird feeling through her chest. She didn't exactly know what it meant for the future, but she knew that her class had to be ready for whatever came next.

Midoriya and Bakugo were eerily silent while sitting next to each other. Really, everyone was quiet. Nobody quite knew what to say or do, given everything that happened. They were all too tired to even attempt conversation.

At least, that's what Miri thought.

"The hearing." Iida muttered. "Do we have time for the hearing?"

A painful throb of her heart. "No." Miri shook her head. "By the time we arrived at the Nomu hideout, it was too late."

"You should have said something." Kirishima rubbed his eyes.

"And do what? Turn around? I don't think so." Miri crossed her arms.

The group fell silent again. Everyone stared at the floor, minds buzzing.

"What happens now?" Kirishima asked.

Miri sighed. "Well, I failed to show. That can either mean they'll issue a warrant for my arrest, or nothing happens. It would've just depended how the hearing went."

"Arrest you?" Kirishima was suddenly animated. The boys gathered snapped their attention to Miri.

Yaoyorozu shifted on Miri's shoulder. Miri held a finger to her lips.

"Yes." She muttered quietly. "There's nothing we can do about it now. It's a fifty-fifty chance, so don't get too worked up. Knowing everything that's happened so far, I won't be surprised if I'm hauled off to the station the first thing in the morning. If I fight or make a big deal about it, however, it'll do nothing but paint a target on my back." Her multi-colored eyes danced around the boys in front of her. "If any of you pull what we did tonight on me and try to break me out of jail, I will kill you."

Bakugo's first curled. "Just what the hell has exactly happened while I've been gone?"

"Just your run-of-the-mill shit storm." Kirishima rested his head on his knuckle angrily. "You and Miri get kidnapped." He began holding up fingers. "In the same night, Miri gets rescued by her mom, who also happens to be Nightmare. Nightmare gets arrested. We make plans to rescue you, which also aligns with the day of Nightmare's hearing." He stared down at his hand. "I've run out of fingers. Does anyone else have anything they'd like to add?"

Bakugo looked at Miri. "I take it everyone knows about your mom now too?"

Miri rubbed her face. "Yep." Her voice was clipped. "Everyone knows."

Todoroki, who had been silent this whole time, suddenly slammed his hand on the arm of his chair. "Can we please talk about anything else? I don't want to think about Miri being arrested or anything to do with that."

Miri bit the inside of her lip. She knew he was getting stressed about the situation. A pit was forming in her stomach along with a sinking feeling in her chest.

"How can we not talk about it?" Bakugo demanded. "Your little girlfriend will get arrested and you want to talk about unicorns and rainbows?"

Todoroki was out of his seat. "I never said I wanted to talk about unicorns and rainbows. I just don't want to think about everything she has to go through."

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