*Chapter Seventeen*

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The obstacle course ended as expected, only Miri came in fourth. Midoriya came flying through at the last second, and Bakugo had pushed Miri out of the way of getting third, much to her anger.

Settling for fourth was like what she has been doing this entire school year. It's not the best, but not the worst either. It was mediocre.

She didn't want to be mediocre.

She was happy for Midoriya to get first; he was her friend. But this was a competition, and she had her own performance to worry about. She needed to get people's attention so she can have people scout and recruit her.

She sat down against the wall. She pulled her knees to her chest and rested her chin against them, shutting her eyes for the time being. She was completely exhausted and regret pushing so hard in the performance only to come up short. It felt like it was wasted energy.

"Whatever happened to going for the top?" A cruel voice cooed in her ear.

Miri jumped away and looked at the golden-eyed boy from before. She was on her feet immediately. "Who are you and what do you want from me?"

He chose not to answer her and instead glared at her. "For someone who talked so much before, you don't stay true to your word."

"For someone who placed lower than me, you talk a lot." Her eyes narrowed.

His eyes darkened and the slits in them seemed to get even narrower. "I didn't place much lower than you. It's anyone's game."

She clenched her fist. "If I were you, I'd walk away right now."

"Or what? You'll 'beat me up'? Do that and you'll be disqualified." He smiled. "I look forward to slamming your face into the ground."

She grit her teeth. This guy makes Bakugo look like a saint.

"The top forty-four from this round will move on! As for anyone placing lower than that, there will be other ways for you to show your stuff." Midnight stood atop a stage with a big smile on her face. "Now onto the next event!" She pointed to a sign behind her that read "Cavalry Battle"

Miri pressed her lips into a line. Though her quirk made teaming up with people perfect, she never preferred to work with others. This event forced her to do what she least enjoyed doing.

But for once she was glad she didn't get first place.

As they were sent off to form their own teams, Miri stood alone regardless.

"I noticed your performance during the obstacle course wasn't to your liking." The purple-haired boy began walking up to her.

Miri stared at him for a moment. Why did all the weird boys suddenly want to talk to her?

"It wasn't, but now I have to make up for it." She sighed.

"But you don't have a team." He smiled. It wasn't an ugly smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

Miri's nose flared. "Just get on with what you want. Try to use your quirk on me or whatever it was you were trying earlier."

He blinked. "I figured out pretty quickly that my quirk doesn't work on you, for whatever reason. And frankly, I don't like your kind, but I think you could be useful."

Miri was taken back. "My kind?"

"Nevermind that. Will you join my team?" His purple eyes bored into Miri's.

She stared at him once again. This entire conversation was an up and down roller coaster, but as she looked around and noticed almost everyone had found a team they were comfortable with, she really didn't have much choice.

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