*Chapter Forty-Six*

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Aizawa didn't let it be known, but he trailed Nightmare to the building. Though he had no choice but to let the villainess try to save her daughter, he still wasn't just going to leave it all to herself.

He was staked out on a building, watching from afar all that was happening. He saw the massive hole in the wall, and from several months of watching his student in class, he gathered pretty quickly that the hole was Miri's doing.

However, what he didn't expect was to see his student get drop-kicked out of said hole and plummet seemingly lifeless to the ground.

He had reacted almost immediately, hopping down from the building and racing to Miri. His scarf came out quickly, wrapping itself around her body moments before it hit the ground. He pulled her to him, holding her in his arms.

He stared down at her, noticing her pale complexion and wheezy breathing. She was battered and bruised, and her foot was at an odd angle.

"Dear God, Mirianne. What the hell happened to you?" He looked around, not seeing a soul in sight.

He set Miri carefully on the ground. He whipped out his phone and pressed a single button, holding it to his ear. "I've found Mirianne. Get out here now...and bring an ambulance." He hung up his phone, kneeling down to her.

'Nightmare seemed to be struggling last I saw her, but I just can't leave Mirianne alone. Not in this state.' He scratched his chin and stood up again. 'No choice, then.'

A massive explosion echoed in the sky. Another hole in another wall was visible from the ground. Rubble rained down, landing on benches and garbage cans.

Sirens echoed in the distance. A massive man came flying through the sky, landing promptly in the middle of the road. His massive grin stretched across his face faltered only slightly seeing his student's condition.

"Young Mirianne..." All Might crouched beside her. "Hibiki did this to her?"

"He kicked her out a hole." He looked up at the building. "Nightmare is in there."

All Might was up on his feet immediately. "Nightmare is a part of this?"

"No!" Aizawa pivoted. "Nightmare is the reason we found Mirianne to begin with. She's in there fighting Hibiki." As he said that, another hole was busted in the wall.

"I don't understand." All Might looked down at Miri again. "Why would Nightmare save Mirianne? Especially after the festival."

"I haven't pieced together that yet. All I know is that Mirianne is Nightmare's daughter."

All Might's eyes widened. "Young Mirianne is-"

"As much as it's surprising to me too, she's still our student." Aizawa looked at All Might. "It seems bad, but we owe it to her to at least hear her out. Especially after today."

All Might was quiet for a moment. "Well," he muttered. "I suppose we have to get through today first."

The ambulance raced around the corner, stopping just short of the building. Paramedics hopped out the vehicle and grabbed a stretcher, bringing it out. They made their way to Miri, but had no choice but to stop short as the building began crumbling.

All Might turned in a panic. "They're tearing the building apart from the inside. It's unstable."

As the words fell from his lips, they could do nothing but watch as the roof caved in, sending walls falling off the building. Dust rose in the air, clouding their vision as the rest of the building fell.

Media was slowly arriving on scene. Cameras were trained on the building and All Might, watching both in the hopes that something would happen.

When the dust cleared, everyone was silent. The building was nothing but rubble, and there proved to be no sign of life anywhere.

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