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I didn't dream while I was unconscious, instead drifting around in fragments of my own memories.

Staying over at the Byers' after the events of last year.

Eating an Eggo for the first time at the cabin with El.

Laughing at the appalled looks on everyone's faces when I told them Hopper was my dad.

My first sleepover with Max.

Throwing the ripped hospital gown I was forced to wear into the fireplace.

My first Christmas.

Staying up all night talking with Will when we couldn't sleep.

I slowly pulled back to consciousness, opening my eyes to see a bright light and someone standing over me. I groaned as I sat up, trying to wake up all the way.

"Hey sweetie," The person who was with me said. She was a paramedic.

I panicked and looked down to see that the hair ties were still there and my number was covered by a Band Aid. I silently thanked whoever had thought of doing so before pulling me from the mall.

"Do you remember what happened?" The paramedic asked patiently.

My eye caught on the IV sticking out of my left arm. I immediately ripped it off, remembering the shots I got at the lab. Blood immediately started pouring out of my arm but I didn't care. 

"No, no, no." The paramedic said quietly. "You need to keep that in, it'll help you."

She cleaned up the blood and put a bandage over the new wound and turned away to get a new IV. I noticed I was in the back of an open fire truck. I saw my chance and took it, darting out the open door and onto the parking lot.

I was exhausted and it hurt to move quickly, but I had to make sure everyone was okay before I worried about that.

It had started to pour rain, and there were helicopters everywhere.

I looked around the parking lot, seeing everybody safe and clinging to each other. But El stood alone.

"El!" I called, limping toward her.

She pulled me into a massive hug, sobbing into my shoulder. 

"Are you safe?" I asked her, hugging her back.

She nodded and I sighed in relief. I closed my eyes and began to relax, beyond thankful that my family was alive. I looked over her shoulder to see Joyce hugging Will, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Where's Dad?" I asked. 

She just sobbed harder, holding onto me even tighter.

"El." I said quietly. I pulled back and looked at her with terror in my eyes. "Where's Dad?"

She hugged herself tightly and stared at the ground, choking on sobs.

Joyce let go of Will and pulled her into a hug, reaching for me. I stepped away, not believing what was happening.

"No. Where is he?" Tears were streaming down my face as well, and I felt like someone punched me in the stomach. Joyce shook her head, starting to cry as well.

I choked on my tears as I watched the horrifying scene replay in Joyce's mind.

"No." I repeated. "No, he promised!" I screamed, hoping to god it wasn't true.

"I'm so sorry, Ev."

"No. No." I turned around and started to walk away. 

"Ev!" Joyce called after me. 

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