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It took a long time to find our way back home. By the time we found the cabin, the sun had already set. At first, we didn't see Hopper's car on the way in, giving us a shred of hope. But it was immediately shattered once we saw his silhouette on the porch, the only light being that of the cabin and his cigarette. 

I squeezed her hand and let go, sighing. You didn't need powers to sense the anger radiating from him. 

He put out his cigarette, spotting us in the trees. "Oh. You're actually home on time for once." I said, just loud enough for him to hear. 

El went first, stepping over the tripwire and walking inside. I followed her, Hopper close behind. He slammed the door behind us and I knew this wasn't going to end well.

"'Friends don't lie'. Isn't that your bullshit saying?" He asked us as we tried to lock ourselves in our room. "Hey, hey! Hey! Don't walk away from me!" He yelled catching the door and forcing it open.

I stood in the corner, still on edge from earlier as El took off her jacket.

"Where'd you go on your little field trip, huh? Where? Did you go see Mike?"

"He didn't see me." El responded quietly.

I didn't know who saw me, so I kept my mouth shut.

"Yeah, well, that mother and her daughter did and they called the cops." My eyes widened. I had forgotten all about them and what I had said. Hopper sent me a knowing glare. He walked over to us and leaned forward. "Now, did anyone else see you? Anyone at all?"

El just stared at him.

"Come on, I need you to think!"

"Nobody saw me!" El snapped at the same time I said, "I don't know."

"You don't know?" He scoffed, walking to the door. "Unbelievable. You put us in danger. You realize that, right?"

"You promised... I go. And I never leave! Nothing ever happens!" 

"Yeah! Nothing happens and you stay safe!" He fought back, slamming his hands down on the dresser. Most of his anger was directed towards El, even though the whole thing was my fault. I stepped forward from the corner and in front of her.

"You lie!" She accused from behind me.

"I don't lie! I protect and I feed and I teach. And all I ask of you is that you follow three simple rules. Three rules. And you know what? You can't even do that!" 

"Are you kidding me?" I yelled at him, completely losing my temper. I had never seen him so angry at me. "You do too lie! You're the biggest liar I know! And don't talk to her like that, okay? It was my idea, not hers!"

"Jesus Christ, Ev. You're unbelievable, you know that?"

I stared up at him, forcing the tears back. "I'm sorry." I whispered.

He stormed out of the room and El slammed her fists down on the dresser.

"You're grounded." Hopper yelled from the other room. "Both of you. You know what that means? It means no Eggos..." He threw the box of frozen waffles to the floor and slammed the freezer door shut. "And no TV. For a week." He bent down to pick up the TV, but it wouldn't budge.

El glared at him from the doorway, blood dripping from her nose. I walked over and threw the Eggos back in the freezer, just to get his focus away from El, but it didn't work.

"All right, knock it off. Let go." He demanded.

She shook her head firmly. He tried again, but with no luck.

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