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We pulled into the parking lot of the lab and I fought the memories, getting out of the car. I ignored their worried expressions and offers to stay in the car. I walked through the rain, preparing myself for anything.

Hopper broke the lock and we pulled the doors open. The inside was just as abandoned as the outside.

"Hello?" He yelled through the empty building. "Anybody home? We come in peace."

"Speak for yourself." I muttered sourly, walking over to where Joyce was. I didn't have to look into her mind to know she was reliving Bob's death. I was, too.

I couldn't help feeling responsible for his death. For all of their deaths.

"Joyce." Hopper said from across the room, finally being serious. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." She told him, shaking her head.

"You guys want to wait in the car?" He offered.

"I said I'm fine." She insisted.

We walked through several doors, and I struggled to keep a brave face. We eventually made our way into where the gate used to be, but nothing was out of the ordinary. 

I sat down on a step when we got in, not being able to push myself any further. Memories of my death and several others filled my head. 

Hopper ran a hand down the cement wall where they had sealed a gate, knocking on it. "Nobody's home." He concluded. "All the cavities have been filled. I watched 'em do it, Joyce."

She closed her eyes, and I unwillingly saw the memories she was experiencing. 

The first time we had to deal with the Upside Down, she had gone with Hopper to find Will. He had given Will CPR until he was alive again. 

All this time and I didn't know that Will had died, too. It just added to the guilt.

"It's over. It's over."

"I feel like I'm losing my mind." She admitted, sitting on a piece of abandoned equipment next to me.

"You're not losing your mind." Hopper told her, sighing. "Not any more than I am. You know, the other day, I almost shot Betsy Payne's dog because it came rushing at me from behind this fence, and I... I swear to god, I thought it was one of those things."

I sighed, looking up at Joyce. She looked at the floor, trying to make sense of things.

"You know that I'm keeping a close eye on things, right?" He asked her.


"Because it's important to me. It is important to me that you feel safe. That you and your family feel safe. I want you to feel like this can still be your home."

Joyce stayed silent.

"What? You didn't think I'd find out about that?" I looked at him in confusion. "Gary called me. He said he's fixing up your house to put on the market."

"You're leaving?" I cried, making the connection and turning to face her. She sighed and tears filled my eyes. 

"The kids know yet?" Hopper asked after a moment.

She shook her head.

He sighed, walking over and sitting next to me. 

"You know, after what happened to Ev, I didn't think I could stay there anymore." He told her. I leaned into him, staring at the ground and holding back tears. "I wanted to leave. Get a fresh start. But I ended up staying. I thought I could handle it on my own."

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