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It had been one month since it all happened and things were finally better. The lab had gotten shut down thanks to Nancy and Jonathan. El and I still had to be in hiding, but we were allowed to have our friends over. Hopper had officially adopted El and gotten a copy of my birth certificate with the help of Doc Owens, too. It was amazing what could change in just one month.

As for me, my hair had grown slightly and my leg and shoulder were doing a lot better. The nightmares and flashbacks were less frequent, and I was able to sleep more. I had realized that the voices I had been hearing were people's thoughts. It was hard to handle at first, but I finally figured out how to block people's thoughts and memories and control my abilities better. It helped me feel a little less freakish.

Ever since we closed the gate, Mike has been coming over every weekend to see El. He got on my nerves sometimes, but it was good to see her happy. We weren't allowed to go over to their houses, but Hopper was allowing us one night out for a school dance that El had been looking forward to for over a year.

Nancy had helped us find dresses and borrow some of her makeup, along with a wig for me. She even bought me a pair of combat boots and socks just long enough to cover my leg.

Hopper dropped us off a little late to avoid the crowds, giving us a whole list of precautions before letting us go inside.

El walked through the doors first, immediately locking eyes with Mike and hurrying over to him. I awkwardly followed her, scanning the crowd for the others. I spotted Dustin dancing with Nancy and made my way through the crowd.

"Hi!" I exclaimed as I bounced on my toes in excitement. 

"Hey, Ev!" Nancy greeted. "You look amazing."

"Thanks! You, too. I'm so glad I can finally leave the house to go see you guys!"

I pointed to Dustin's hair that resembled Steve's signature look. "I love your hair."

He laughed, fluffing it up a bit. "Yeah, well, they didn't like it very much." He said, nodding to the party, who were all dancing.

"No, it looks great." I assured him, smiling.

The song ended, and the rest of the group noticed us, coming over. I hugged them all, with an exception of Mike and El, who were still together.

"You made it!" Max exclaimed. We had grown a lot closer since the gate. "You look so pretty!"

"Thanks, you too! I love your hair."

"Thank you."

"Why aren't you wearing a dress?" I asked her, hoping I didn't sound rude.

"They're just... not for me."

I nodded in understanding, not being able to stay still from excitement. 

"What'd she say about your hair?" Lucas asked Dustin.

"I love it." I told them, standing on my tip toes as I gently patted the top of his hair. "It's fluffy."

It felt right, standing there with everyone while we laughed. The gate was shut, I was in control of my powers, and I had a family. With an exception of my dark past, I was basically a normal kid.

Word Count- 548. Holy heck another season done.

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