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Steve, Dustin, Robin, and Erica left to find Cerebro, taking the car we had arrived in while everyone said their goodbyes.

I sat with Max, explaining how I got shot while El said goodbye to Hopper.

"So, to recap, you went back to the lab, some guy beat up you and your dad, you kidnapped the mayor and a Russian man, went to Illinois and found out about the gate, went to the festival to find us, then got stabbed and shot by Russians?" She asked.

"Yeah, pretty much." I shrugged my good arm as if it were no big deal.



"And they got away with it?"


"Some guy beat up both you and Hopper, multiple times, apparently, and he's still alive?"

"Unfortunately. Although if I see him again I won't be wasting any time. I'll just kill him right off the bat."

She laughed lightly, pulling me into a side hug.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Well, we went to find that girl you and El saw with Billy, and they were acting really weird, and after we talked with Mike and everyone we thought that Billy might be connected to the Mind Flayer." I nodded, a little freaked out by it but trying not to show it. "So we trapped him in a sauna and confirmed he's connected. But then he broke out and tried to kill El, but she beat the shit out of him and he got away. And then Nancy and Jonathan got attacked in the hospital by the monster and it escaped and then back at the cabin it bit El, she kicked it's ass, and here we are."



"It's almost over." I sighed.

She nodded, giving me a small smile. 

Mike walked over to El, Max following.

They helped her up, being careful of her leg.

"Mike." Hopper called, causing him to turn around. "Be careful."

He nodded, turning and joining the others.

"Okay," I sighed, grabbing my backpack and swinging it over my shoulder. The group all left except Will, who was waiting to help me to the car. "Let's go."

"Nope." Hopper shook his head.

"What do you mean, 'nope'?" I asked, staring up at him.

"I mean no. You're not going."

"We both know I'm just going to follow you anyway."

"Yeah, because that's worked out so well for you."

"Okay that- that was different."

"How is that in any way different?"

"Well, this time, you'll know I'm going."

"Yeah, and this time, it's a Russian base, not just one or two people."

"I can handle it!"



"With two stab wounds and a bullet hole in your arm."


"Oh, okay. Makes sense. Let's go."

"Wait, really?" I asked, bouncing on my toes in excitement.

"No, not really! Are you kidding me?"

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