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My dreams were filled with nightmares and flashbacks, same as usual. But it was so much worse this time. I just kept seeing people die. Everything had been nonstop action and fighting for my life the past few days, just adding to the trauma.

The fight played over and over again, too. One thing stuck out, making me question my safety yet again.

Wow! All right. You wanna go back in the lab? One phone call. I can make that happen.

I woke up in a cold sweat, not understanding where I was. I looked around the room and faintly recognized it as Will's. My stomach dropped as I remembered what had happened. Bob was dead and I didn't save him. Those things were still lose and if they got out of the lab I would've just doomed all of Hawkins. What if they were on their way here?

The lights flickered in response to my panic. I stood up, trying my best to ignore the pain in my leg and shoulder. I peered out the window into the darkness, half expecting a hoard of them to be waiting just outside.

"Hey," Hopper said from the doorway, making me jump out of my skin. I wasn't completely sure if I could trust him anymore. Did he make that phone call? "How're you holding up?"

I didn't answer, shaking my head. He took a step toward me and I backed myself up into the corner.

He stopped, sighing. "Are you still mad about our fight?" He asked.

I shook my head again, avoiding eye contact as I stared at the bed.

"What's wrong?"

I looked up at him, tears threatening to fall. "You said... you said one phone call. And you could make it happen."

His expression shifted from worried, to confused, to surprised, to guilt. I looked back to the bed, biting back sobs.

"Jesus." I started to shake. My whole life was kind of falling apart. He pulled me into a hug as I cried. "I don't know how they found you. But I did not call them, all right? I need you to know that." I sighed in relief. "I didn't mean that. At all, okay? I was just mad. And I'm sorry."

"It's my fault." I said in between sobs. "I'm so sorry. I never should've left. I put us in danger again and I should've learned the first time but I didn't. I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault, kid. I should have been there."

Even after everything that had happened, I started to feel safe again. Sad and guilty, but safe.

After a few moments of silence, I pulled away, laughing softly. "Can I say hi to them?" I asked, sniffing.

He smiled back at me, stepping out of the way to the door.

I walked into the kitchen where everyone else was, and they all turned to stare at me.

"Um. Hi." I said stupidly, not knowing what else to say.

"You're back!" Dustin exclaimed, enveloping me in a hug. The others soon followed, all surrounding me as I laughed.

"Yeah. Surprise!"

"Where have you been this whole time?" Mike asked, and I knew he was not trying to appear rude by asking about El. And I didn't really know how to answer the question without him freaking out at Hopper.

"It's a long story." I admitted, smiling at all of them. "It's so good to see you guys again." I said, hugging Lucas.

"Yeah, it's been too long." He said, all of us smiling. For a short amount of time, life felt a little more normal.

"Hey, um," Someone else said, and I turned to see the girl from the gym. My smile dropped slightly as I recognized her from El's memories. She had made El really sad when she was with Mike. "I'm Max. Lucas told me a lot about you." She stuck her hand out, and I looked at her weird.

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