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The closer we got to the school, the more excited El got. We had spent all day walking, and we were tired, but it would be worth it once we got to see our friends again.

Once we finally broke through the trees, we saw the school. My chest felt tight. I didn't have very good memories there. But El marched on. She saw the bike rack and ran over, immediately recognizing Mike's. She grabbed the handle bar, fighting back tears.

"Ready?" I asked. 

She didn't reply and walked forward.

When we reached the doors I stopped her. "El, wait." I said, grabbing her hand. "Meet me by the bikes when you're done, okay? I'm going to look over here." She nodded and enveloped me in a hug. I laughed and pulled back. "Good luck."

She disappeared through the door and I sighed. Something felt... off. Like something horrible was about to happen. But I had walked all the way out here, risking everyone's safety, and I wasn't going to quit. I pushed down the uneasy feeling and ventured on.

I walked around the building until I found the gym. I made sure no one was in there and I walked in, quietly laughing to myself. I walked over to the bleachers, where we sat after finding Will. I sat down, smiling. 

You are very brave girls. You know that, don't you?


It's okay, you're safe.

No! No! Will. Will, run!

My smile faded, remembering the traumas I had endured there.

I heard the door open and I ducked behind the bleachers. A girl with red hair walked in, a skateboard under her arm. She was pretty. But she terrified me, because she looked like she was looking for something.

My heart rate spiked. Did she see me? Does she know about me? She came closer and closer. I held my breath, fearing the worst. But then her footsteps became quieter and quieter. I let out my breath and turned around to see her moving into the next room. 

That was close. Too close. 

I opened the door to the rest of the school and walked out, continuing my search for Will. I could hear the buzz of his mind somewhere, although I couldn't place it. 

I wondered what El would do if she saw Mike. Or if he saw her. It would be sweet, but also a disaster. How would she explain to him why she hadn't visited? Who would he tell? How mad would he be at Hopper? All the questions circling my mind filled me with dread. This was a terrible idea.

Movement down the hallway caught my attention. It was Mike, and he was on a mission. I ducked out the door immediately, hoping he didn't see me. The gym door opened, and he went in there. This was a terrible idea. It was way too risky. I needed to get El home, and hope to god it was one of the nights Hopper got home late. 

I started to make my way to the bike racks when everything changed. I closed my eyes tightly, but I couldn't block out the unmistakable fact that I was back in the Upside Down. I quickly discovered that navigating an unfamiliar area with your eyes closed is an awful idea. My foot caught on one of the vines and I was sent sprawling across the ground. 

I groaned, regretting giving in to my impulses, and that's when the reality of my situation hit me. Hard. Since I was in the Upside Down, I couldn't see other people unless they were there, too. Which meant anyone could see me, and I would have no idea. 

It was so much safer to do this from home. Why did I ever think this was a good idea?

I took off in a dead sprint across a field, taking shelter in the trees. I crouched down and peeked through the bushes at the school. 

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