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Louis and Harry were laying on the bed. They had woken up a few minutes ago but they didn't want to get up yet.


"Yeah?" Louis said softly.

"Can we do something before I go?"

"Of course, Haz... What do you wanna do?"

"Can we just stay here in bed, like... all day? and just talk... or watch tv?" Harry said with a sad tone in his voice.

Louis' heart melted and gave Harry a sad smile.

"Yeah... yeah, of course we can do that..."

Harry cuddled closer to Louis and rested his head on his shoulder.

That's pretty much what they did.

They only got up to change clothes, go to the bathroom and bring something to eat. But they stayed in bed all day, just cuddling and talking about non important stuff once in a while.

Sometimes they would just stay quiet for minutes and enjoy each other's company.

Harry had to go early in the afternoon because he had plans with Niall that day and he couldn't bail on him.

It was around one in the afternoon and Harry knew that he had to go already, so he told Louis and got up from the bed.

"Oh, sure. Let me help you with your backpack." Louis said while following Harry outside of his house.

Louis left Harry's backpack on the back seat of his car and Harry thanked him.

"Thank you, again, for everything, Lou." Harry hugged Louis before getting into his car.

"Thank you for coming here, Haz... I'll try to visit you next time, okay?" Louis said, hopeful.

Harry's expression changed and a large grin appeared on his face. He nodded eagerly and then turned to his car; but before he could take another step, Louis grabbed his arm and caused Harry to turn around confused.

"Wait-" Louis said, almost inaudible.

Harry didn't get the chance to react before Louis' lips were on his.

It was a short, yet powerful kiss. Harry didn't expect it and to be honest, Louis didn't either.

When they broke apart, they were both a little bit shocked but actually really happy.

Harry bit his lower lip and smirked while Louis was just blushing.

His faces were still close to each other.

"Bye, Lou." Harry said once again and got into his car.

"Bye..." Louis waved at Harry while he was going away and then got back inside his house.

When he entered, he felt a cold breeze rushing through the room.

It felt different without Harry there; more quiet, more dark, more boring, more lonely...

Louis didn't want to do anything for the rest of the day, so he just changed back to his pajamas and stayed watching movies in his room until it was time for dinner.

Harry had called him earlier to tell him he had arrived home and to thank him again; but that only made Louis sadder that he wasn't with him anymore.

Louis ended up ordering pizza to his place since he wasn't in the mood to cook anything.

That night, Louis fell asleep in his cold bed, cuddling one of his pillows; but it definitely wasn't the same as cuddling Harry, not even close.

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