New plan!

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Louis was nervous, he was about to hear Harry's voice for the first time. But he wasn't scared, more like excited. Harry did that to him, he made him feel happy and accepted whenever they texted each other.

He was at his recovery room at the hospital, with his phone in hand, waiting for Harry to call him, just staring at the screen.

His phone lit up and Harry's name showed up. As soon as he heard his ringtone, he accepted the call.


"Uhmmm... Hi?" A deep husky voice sounded on the other side of the call.

"Haz? Is that you?"

"Yeah, hi Lou"

Louis could practically hear Harry's smile through the phone.

"Hi Harry, oh god, this is our first phone call"

"I gotta admit, I almost didn't call you"

"Why is that?"

"I was afraid you wouldn't like my voice... Lame, I know"

"Haz, how many times have I told you that I could never not like something about you. Stop worrying about stupid stuff like if I'm gonna like your voice or not."

He heard Harry chuckle.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I care about what you think"

Louis had to take a deep breath.

"Okay then, listen... I really really really like you, your personality, your looks, your voice, everything. Nothing will change that, and I can't wait to finally meet you and say all of this to your face, okay?"

"You don't know how much I'm blushing right now, Lou. UGH I want to go visit you so bad!!!"

"Oh I know... It'll be so great, and maybe you could stay at my place for a couple of days and that would give us enough time to do a bunch of stuff together, what do you say?"

"Lou, that sounds awesome! But I have a better idea... don't know what you'd think tho..." 

"Hmmm... Let me hear it"

"What if... I stay at your place for a whole week? After all I'm on a little break from Uni and we would have so much fun Lou, think about it!"

"It's actually not a bad idea, what do you have in mind?"

"Well, we could recreate what you dreamt of, and we could go shopping, or ice skating, we could bake a cake or make cookies, I could meet your friends and we could go out with them. There's a lot of possibilities!"

"Woah curly, you're really excited to see me, aren't you?"

"Yeah... And I'm just a little bit bored you know? From the break from Uni, and you know how I live alone here, and Niall is always busy with his new girlfriend, Barbara something... And also, the bakery where I work is closed for a couple of weeks. So you're kind of my only distraction for now, besides... I really enjoy talking to you"

"I get it Haz, your plan sounds amazing, we're gonna have a sick week. And I'm sure Zayn and Liam will love you."

"Cool! So, when do you get out of the hospital?"

"They send me back home on the 6th"

"Great, I'll go visit you on the 7th then, is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, sounds wonderful"

"Okay, I'll hang up now and I'll text you later?"

"Sure Haz, bye"

"Bye Lou"

And with that, they both hung up the phone.

Louis couldn't help but think how cute and sweet Harry was.
And that's the first time he felt the butterflies in his stomach...

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