Favorite drug

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Feb 4th - 11:56 pm

Me: Hawhry

Me: Hazzahhh

Me: u thrre?

Harry: Lou? what's wrong?

Harry: Are you alright?

Me: Nevah been better :))))

Harry: You're acting weird

Me: Nah, it's justt the drgs

Harry: wait, drugs?

Me: yuh

Harry: why were you taking drugs?

Me: thr doctr gaev them to me

Me: One of me wounds got opened snd it hrted like hellllll

Harry: Oh, Lou, you should be resting :(

Me: Nahhh, you're my prsonal pain reliever <333

Harry: Awww, that's sweet

Harry: ur cute

Me: ur cute

Harry: ur cuter

Me: No lsten here u little shit

Harry: hahahahha oh god, please stop

Me: Nawhhh, u dkn't get it!!! ugh :(

Harry: get what

Me: Nthing bby

Harry: Lou...

Me: I'm gonna go now, night xx

Harry: okay... goodnight Lou...

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