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TW // car accident

Feb 1st - 10:07 am

[New message from Harry]

Harry: Lou!!!! I'm so excited to see you

Harry: I can't wait omg

Harry: You're not reading my messages but it's probably because you're driving hahaha

Harry:  Sorry, I'll stop now, drive safely!!!


10:53 am

[New message from Harry]

Harry: Lou, are you still coming?

Harry: I didn't think buying snacks would take that long ._.

Harry: It's probably the traffic tho

Harry: I'm still waiting for you Lou!!! we'll have so much fun together :)))


11:45 am

[New message from Harry]

Harry: I'm actually starting to think that you'll not come :/

Harry: You're not even reading my messages!!!

Harry: You could just have said no, you know that, right?

Harry: You didn't have to give me hopes if you were just going to ignore me then :(

Harry: Whatever, I'll just go have some ME TIME

Harry: Text me when you can, or not

Harry: Whatever


1:36 pm

[New message from Harry]

Harry: Okay I was mad at you, but now I'm just worried

Harry: Did something happen?

Harry: Omg if something actually happened I'm gonna feel so bad for being mad at you

Harry: please let me know that you're alright so I can be mad at you in peace

Harry: Louuuuu

Harry: Are you really going to ignore all of my messages?

Harry: Fine, I'll stop texting now

Harry: For what it's worth, I was really excited to finally see you and maybe hug you


4:13 pm

Me: Uhmm hello?

Harry: LOUIS what the hell happened?!

Harry: I waited for you all day!!!!

Me: Oh, sorry, this is not Louis

Harry: Who is it then?


Me: Wow, Louis was right about you. You are paranoic

Me: I'm Lottie, Louis' sister

Harry: Oh well, hi Lottie :)

Harry: I don't want to be mean or anything but what are you doing with Louis' phone?

Me: Well, I'm actually in the hospital now

Me: Lou got into a car accident :/


Harry: This is all my fault...

Me: Hey, don't worry, he'll be fine

Me: He still has to stay here for about a week tho, he's in observation

Harry: I'm sorry, I was asking him to come visit me because it's my birthday today but it was too fast and I kept pushing him, this is my fault

Me: No Harry, it's not, really, he was just excited to see you and he really wanted to

Me: But when he's excited he gets nervous and doesn't pay attention to things

Me: I have to go but I'll tell Louis to text you when he wakes up

Harry: Okay Lottie, thank you for letting me know

Me: Ofc, and stop blaming yourself, my brother really likes you, he wouldn't like to see you feeling sorry about this ;)

Harry: Ok, I'll try :)


6:23 pm

Me: Haz?

Harry: Louis?

Me: Yeah

Harry: omg Lou are you okay? you had me worried all day!!

Me: Yeah, I'm fine, I think

Me: I'm sorry I didn't make it today :(

Harry: don't even worry about it, it was all my fault

Harry: I pushed you too much and now you're in the hospital because of me

Me: Hey don't

Me: This is not your fault at all

Me: I really wanted to see you and hug you too :)

Me: we can still meet after I get out of here and I'll give you your birthday present ;)

Harry: You still want to meet me after today?

Me: Of course you dimwit

Me: Will you give me cuddles?

Harry: Lots of them :)

Me: Then we have a deal ;)

Harry: Yes but this time I'll go visit you okay?

Harry: It's only fair for the day you just had

Me: Okay then, I'll go rest a little now, my head hurts

Harry: Okay, goodnight Lou :)))

Me: Goodnight Hazza x

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