Don't be cheesy

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Jan 13th - 11:26 pm

Me: Harry!!!!

Harry: What?????!

Me: I'm bored :(

Harry: I think I can help

Harry: Do you want me to tell you a joke? :)

Me: Wow, nevermind I'm not bored anymore, thanks anyway

Harry: Heyyyy come on, my jokes are not that bad :(

Me: Sure, whatever lets you sleep at night

Harry: I'm still gonna tell you a joke tho

Me: Oh god, what have I done?

Harry: knock knock

Me: No one's home!

Harry: If no one's home, how come you answered me?

Me: dammit

Harry: knock knock :)

Me: Who's there

Harry: lil old lady

Me: lil old lady who?

Harry: I didn't know you could yodel :0

Me: Wha- oh my god Harry

Harry:  You liked it, didn't you? :D

Me: That was literally the worst joke ever

Me: It's so bad that it's actually funny xD

Harry: I have more from where that came from

Me: The old book of bad jokes?

Harry: No...

Harry: I have my own book of jokes ._.

Me: Of course you do

Harry: Wanna hear the first joke I wrote there?

Me: Is it funny?

Harry:  I don't think so, but I was little when I created it so it doesn't matter lol

Me: Okay, let me hear it

Harry: Why did the baboon ask the giraffe why the long face?

Me: Why?

Harry: Because he thought his neck was his face...

Me: Badoom tss

Harry: Hahahaha I told you it wasn't that funny

Me: I actually liked it

Harry: Really? you'd be the first one then

Harry: Most of the people I told the joke to laughed at me and told me to stop wasting my time on 'irrelevant' stuff like that

Me: I would never laugh at you to make you feel bad Haz, I like it when you're happy

Me: And I actually like getting to know you better, and I like how you talk about stuff you actually like and care about :)

Harry: Thank you, Louis. You're such a good friend

Me: Yes, of course, I am ;)

Harry: And you're also modest

Me: Obviously

Harry: Hahahaha I'm actually glad I texted you that day

Me: Awww Haz, I'm happy you texted me too :)

Harry: Wanna hear another joke?

Me: And here we go again

Me: Sure

Harry: It's the last one, I promise

Me: Okay, go for it

Harry: Why can't the flower ride his bike?

Me: Why, young Harold? Enlighten me

Harry: Because his petals fell off

Me: BAHAHAHA okay, that was cheesy

Harry: Those are my favorite kind of jokes xD

Me: Yeah, I can tell

Harry: So you're not bored anymore

Me: No, thanks to you :)

Harry: Glad I could help ;)

Me: But now I gotta go to sleep, it's already 12:30 :0

Harry: Yeah, I'm feeling a little bit tired

Harry: Goodnight Lou

Me: Goodnight Haz :)

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