Night out!

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The next morning Louis woke up in the middle of his backyard, outside of his house and with Harry still asleep by his side.

Louis thought Harry looked all cute and cuddly while being asleep and he felt butterflies in his stomach.

He couldn't really remember much of what had happened the night before after they finished that bottle of wine; only that it was just Harry and him, and the rest of the world didn't matter.

He started stroking Harry's hair softly and did that for a couple of minutes until he could feel Harry waking up.

Harry started opening his eyes little by little like a baby and Louis cooed at him.

"Good morning sleepy head" Louis chuckled.

Harry rubbed his eyes slowly and yawned.

"Good morning Lou..." Harry looked around him a little bit confused.

"Did we really sleep outside?"

"Apparently. yeah..."

Harry growled and shivered. "It's cold..."

"We should get inside; it's still really early, probably not even 8 am, we can rest a little more in bed, okay?" Louis asked softly.

Harry smiled and nodded.

They both got up from the floor and went back inside, directly to Louis' room and got inside the comfy bed.

Sleeping all night outside on the floor wasn't really comfortable, so naturally, they had had a bad night of sleep which they needed to recover from.

Harry and Louis ended up sleeping until late and not doing much in general after that. They mostly spent time watching Netflix and cuddling in bed; and they were not complaining to be honest, because even doing simple stuff, they enjoyed every single moment together.

All of a sudden Louis felt his phone ringing in his pants' pocket; he grabbed it and muttered a sorry to Harry, who was by his side, before answering the call.

"Hello?" Louis said not so loud.

"Louis? hi!" the voice on the other side of the call said enthusiastically.


"Hi mate, how are ya'?"

"Everything is fine, thanks, you?"

"Great. Are you doing anything later today?" Zayn asked full of hope.

"Um... not exactly, but I have visit here with me."

"Oh, who's with you?"

"Harry; I've talked to you about him, right?"

Zayn laughed in amusement. "Yeah, only like all the freaking time."

Louis rolled his eyes. "What do you want Zayn...?"

"I wanted to ask you if you could come with Liam and I to the bowling alley tonight. And now that I think about it... you can come with Harry! I have to meet him. After all you've told me about him, the guy is my idol."

"Hahaha, I don't know Zee, let me ask him first."

Zayn muttered an okay and Louis turned his head and tried to get Harry's attention.


"Hm?" Harry turned to look at Louis.

"You wanna go out later today?"

"Sure, where?"

"We're going with my mates to the bowling alley, what do you say?"

"Of course, sounds fun!" Harry beamed.

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