What to do

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Louis had been feeling anxious all morning. He had barely touched his breakfast or talked to anyone.

Liam and Zayn were still there because Liam was feeling really bad from the night before.

Harry and Zayn were still eating on the kitchen counter but Louis got up before even finishing his breakfast because we just wanted to go away from everything for a while.

Louis noticed Liam sitting on the sofa in the living room and holding his head with both of his hands, so he decided to sit down beside him.

"Li, you okay?" Louis asked softly.

Liam just growled and shook his head lightly.


"As hell..." Liam said quietly.

Louis laughed a little. "Hold on, I'm gonna give you an aspirin or something."

Liam muttered a thank you and Louis did as he said.

When he came back, Liam took the aspirin and swallowed it without water.

"Last night was wild, mate."

"Only for you, you drunk fucker." Louis shook his head in amusement.

Liam laughed and covered his face with one of his hands in embarrassment.

They stayed a couple of minutes in silence; Louis was staring at nothing and biting his lip impatiently and Liam noticed something was wrong.

Liam put his hand on Louis' shoulder sympathetically.

"Is there something wrong?"

Louis was brought back to reality and turned his head to look at Liam. "Hmm? oh- no..."

Liam furrowed his eyebrows knowing that Louis was lying.

Louis huffed and rolled his eyes lightly. "It's nothing... It's just that- ugh..."

Liam looked confused but waited patiently for an answer.

"It's dumb... I just... I've been stressed, that's it." Louis blurted out.

"Why?" Liam asked curiously.

"I've been thinking about... Harry..." Louis said while looking down.

"What about Harry." Liam said obliviously.

"I want to ask him on a date but... I don't know how, or even if I should do it on the first place; I mean, what if he rejects me?! then the two days left we have together will be all awkward and-" Louis started hyperventilating.

"Hey, hey. Lou, look at me." Liam said softly.

Louis obeyed him.

"It's fine. I'm telling you, it doesn't matter how you ask him. I think you should do it. He's a great guy and he likes you a lot. Of course he'll say yes." Liam nudged Louis' shoulder lightly and smiled.

"You really think so?" Louis smiled shyly.

"Definitely. Do you have something planned for the actual date though? because I might have a few ideas." Liam beamed.

Louis laughed but nodded. "I'd love your help Li, thanks."

Louis was no longer feeling as anxious as before. Liam started telling him all his ideas for the date and Louis was listening carefully and nodding to the ideas he liked the best.

In the end, Liam had convinced Louis with one of his ideas and they had decided that if Harry said yes, they'd go with the plan, or as Liam called it: "Operation 'Get together'"

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