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Before coming to the main point I want to tell you all a tale of girl; a very ordinary regular girl.

It was 2015; month of March. She was at her home wandering what to do next. Her twelfth board exam had ended just few days ago. All over suddenly she had nothing to do particularly. Unlike today having a smart phone in the age of 18 was quite unusual for the kids back than; she was not exception either. A small button typing phone she had, though which she used to see the world full of wonder, Internet.

Just like any other day she was searching on it for some interesting movies, stories and like a destiny she found one. It was a Bollywood movie called Creature; the rating was not good and review was defining the word 'terrible' again and again. But her mind got stucked in the storyline; found something unusually unique and interesting. She downloaded it and watched it in one go; not only once but twice and more she watched some particular parts of it.

Her mind started running fast; imagination got wide over night.

What if the boy was a beast; then how would the movie be!?

Her imagination went it's peak and she was thinking about it 24×7.

That time a movie was released; it had a beautiful collection of songs in it; though it's score in the box office was not up to the mark.

Thinking about it she listened one of the song from that movie.

'Tu Hai Ki Nehi'

Her heart had gone wide and brain started running. The barrier between the reality and fantasy had broken for her; she became determined.

Finally, she started writing.

With her precious royal blue inked parker roller ball pen and red covered diary she was sketching her dreams; made the most fascinating characters she could.

Nandini Ghoshal
Aditya Narayan Chatterjee.

Imagining herself through the eyes of Nandini she was progressing the journey of her own.

But she was never intended to show her creation to the world.
Afraid of criticism and being hurt.

Untill one day, one of her elder sisters agreed to bear her childish stuffs.

Unexpectedly after that, something magical happened.

That elder sister of her started to like it;  Motivated her to write more and complete it.

She was encouraged, inspired and felt the pure bliss.
Continuing her imagination to pen down on the paper from her mind.

But; suddenly she stopped writing, as her life turned in an another way. She went out from her home for the further higher studies and left her fantasy world behind.

Days passed; she got her first smart phone; opened an account on wattpad to read the stories and on the other hand experiencing the challenges in her recent place.

She forgot; but her elder sister remembered. Occasionally she tried to make her continue that story. But the girl refused. Handling the tough events of her life she lost her imagination and skill of writing.

Untill one day, 23rd June, 2017.

Waking up from her sleep at the morning, she had decided something.

Gathering her all courage she started the dare of writing on Wattpad, for the first time.

She didn't know whether her creation would be recognized by others or not; but she was writing only for that girl, her elder sister who had motivated, waited patiently; encouraged her continuously.

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