♡| Beginning of A New Journey

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Finally 'That Day' had come. I was in station with my two besties and Swapna's family which was now my family. We all were waiting for the train. Pratik went to the enquiry section for getting train updates and we were also checking in our cell phones, double checking.

I know that its so stupid. But its my habit to check again and again.. I can't help with it!

My train would come after half an hour and my dear bestie Swapna made me check my ticket already ten times. But she..

"Neha check your ticket again so that you willn't get in any kind of trouble. Check it Now!" Swapna said this again.
"Oh God Swapna! I have already check it ten times. Don't worry I will be self." I tried to make her cool down. But who cared...
"I am not going to listen you. Check it now!!!" She got angry.
Again I had to check my ticket in front of her..
This girl is really crazy. And I am gonna miss her badly.
"I will miss you all so badly." I said this with teary eyes.
"We too" both of them said and hugged my. Swapna's mother kissed my forehead and hugged me.
"Take care and eat properly " aunty said.
"I will" I said this wiping my tears.
" Call me every night. Got it" Swapna said with a fake anger.
"Yeah I will" I was smiling.
"And message me every time ok!" Pratik said.
My train was coming on the platform after 5min of our conversation.

After biding everyone I went inside the train and sat on my seat and just then my train left the station. I bid them again from the gate for the last time and then fixed my luggages and sat on my seat properly and started to listing songs on my headphones.

I dont know how shall I do this new job but I know one think I have to do it. I can't disappoint others. Special my brother who supported me at the last. And I have to show my father that I Nandini Ghoshal can do this.

I dont know why but feel like my life will be change after today. There is waiting for me something or may be someone.. I don't know why I am getting these kind of feelings..

Anyways, its the beginning of a new journey of my life..


On the Same Time in A Mansion

" Sir, she will join here by tomorrow. She informed me just few minutes ago. She is coming here by a train now." A middle-aged man said to a man who was standing near a big window. The room was dark, only the moonlight was coming from the window which helped the things visible in the room a little.His back was facing towards the middle-aged man.
"Ok Sandip, thank you for the information and yes make the arrangements for her cabin and room." That man had said in a deep husky voice. By his voice it could predict that man was a youngster.
" of course sir. I do" said the middle-aged man Sandip. After saying this he left the room.
"Please God give this girl same tolerance power so that she doesn't leave this job, as other girls did. " Sandip said this to himself in a low voice.

In the room the man was still standing near the window facing the moon which was glowing brightly. Full moonnight would come in few days as it could be assumed by seeing the shape of the moon.. The mansion was just beside the forest as it could be seen from the window.
The man was watching the moon. The reflection of the moon could be seen in his eyes. But apart from the reflection of moon these deep eyes also reflected some deep emotions which were not readable. But these emotions were very intense.
He also might be waiting for something or someone, that could change his life and made him stepped into the beginning of a new journey of his life...

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